
The grouper lady had simply unleashed a ball of black-light, and had struck this wretched bastard right underneath the gills!

Such detail helped him understand, just why that attacking shark had suddenly changed routes just a moment ago; it simply had no other choice.

However. Since the good lady was charging towards this battle, and will likely aid in terms of turning the tides for her group's advantage - Timmy was given a bit more time, to observe this eyesore of a scene.

And unsurprisingly, his eyes dotted straight towards the first shark, that he managed to obliterate with such a raw and godly scream.

It felt like a perfectly timed decision. Because just now, the silver-coated carcass had begun shaking for some unknown reason!

Which was a rather extreme occurrence, after considering that this thing is supposed to be dead! Carcasses aren't supposed to shake or shiver.