Overwhelming ego!

"Tim! Are you alive?" The black-grouper mumbled through a question.

She was witnessing her stingray friend in a foul condition, this was certainly a scene that she never expected. In many ways, the former blue-dotted stingray was in a horrible state right now.

There was an unhealthy amount of his blood oozing across the waters, dripping in quantities that can be considered as plentiful; one would think that there wasn't an ounce of blood left in his body!

Considering the effects that blood-loss can inflict against an individual, it wasn't a surprise that Timothy was slowly losing his grip of reality.

A moment ago he was able to fully comprehend the battle that had been going on, but right now his entire world was a blur that featured numerous colours.

All he knew was that Osira floated nearby. It didn't take much effort to figure out that she could prove useful, that was why he began trying to utter a sentence.