A new journey awaits

A few weeks ago, this same tool from another universe, managed to super-charge her senses and provide a layer of green light around her body.

That same light had made her immune to radioactive shields, at least that's what she guessed a moment ago.

With powers like that considered, just what could this weird crystal give next?

Thoughts of such a pace would weigh down geniuses, not to mention anyone with a lower intelligence; so she just decided to stop thinking, and simply swam closer towards the same crystal shard.

This shard was bigger in comparison to the past one, it stretched half a foot wide to be exact; a size like this, managed to make the lady even more nervous.

Regardless, she just approached closer and finally touched the gem with one of her fin-bones.

Within a blink of an eye, the gem rattled a little bit and then shot upwards with grand speed.