Worn out like a couple of rags!

At this point the couple of stingrays were rather clueless of the world around them. They simply enjoyed one another’s presence, and every second felt as if it was a decade!

It was fair to say that they were having the time of their lives, and almost were completely hesitant to get back to their day-to-day lives.

Whatever this soul bounding technique was, it sure granted the soul that ever desired pleasure for romance!

If these good friends weren’t almost unconscious, they would figure out just how well their contribution was working out.

The blockade of which insulted the canal, had been struck by an incredible force which gave this structure no option other but to clear up!

These stingrays floated at the front part of this whole procedure, and their souls simply bashed any part of the blockade wide open!

Their incredible strut continued downwards the canal, as they simply broke down anything that stood in their way.