Self awareness, and its relation to ego.

Timothy felt sure that he would crash soon, his stamina had depleted rapidly through this chase.

Now he didn't swim over hundreds of kilometres all at once, but there was another aspect that tired him out.

He had to swim at top speed for over three hundred meters so far, and that simply didn't treat his body so well.

Yet the hero didn't want to stop, as one second put into waste would force him to lose sight of the fast-travelling diamond.

The thought of losing track was nerve wracking, so he pushed forward regardless of how his body disagreed with such an action.

A stubborn pace of that liking had only one fate, and it was expected regardless of how tough the young man tried to act.

At first he couldn't take a proper sharp turn across the tunnel he swam through.

One of his fins struck at one edge of the thin tunnel. The impact wasn't painful but he lost a bit of orientation.