
"Yes sir!" They shouted right away with no aim of wasting a heartbeat.

The consequences of touching an employee hired by Aaron Hare himself are indeed deadly. In this case Auicia is so important that all of them knew they would lose their head, if they ever touched Auicia in any way.

But of course with options of touching ruled out, envy growing to, one of these Bear bloods has an urge to be wise. "I don't think it's a good idea to have a woman in the Arena, she will die soon no matter what man she fucks and it won't be a pretty sight."

This of course affected Auica to the core but at least now she can offend, curse or even slap this man without risking anything. "So you think women are weak just because we are women?"

Unwilling to drop his ego, a sharp tongue for a short retard, Inigo continues to speak with rather triggering claims. "Weak, yes. But we all know that men are more experienced with a sword and can survive."

Noticing that he triggered a few nerves, the small man smirks as a form to show pleasure of progress, an ascension to be a complete pain in the ass. The good thing for him is grabbing everyone's attention. "I'm just saying, women are experienced with other things."

But now given the chance to finally argue back, she would be a fool to pass this opportunity of putting a sexist to shame. Facing Inigo Cassinade while not breaking eye contact, she weighs in. "What are women more experienced at?"

She of course remains pissed off but buries anger in her heart and primarily aims to embarrass this fool in front of possibly brighter minds. The situation she has to face right now is indeed emotional, it's not easy to talk to a sexist about equal rights and her adrenaline arose greatly due to it.

Inigo Cassinade proceeds to try furthermore trigger Auica, he finds this situation entertaining. "Women are better at cleaning or anything minor that doesn't need a brain, no offence to you of course."

Letting out this final blow, he has done it, managing to reach Auica's every nerve and wreck it. To the point where she just couldn't reply in a delicate civilized manner anymore. She has to publicly embarrass this man. "I got offered a job by the wealthiest merchant in Hawk city meaning I'm not here by force, unlike you."

Seeing the man wanting to offend her back but being left at a loss for words, she just continues to shame this sexist in front of everyone without portraying herself as bad. "Me and you are a mountain apart when it comes to success and its time for you to realize that you little bastard."

Although advised by Arthur not to give threats, she has to say one more thing. "That dick in your pants is just for show but if you don't want to wake up having it in your mouth then you better fuck off to your quarter and talk to the wall, at least that doesn't need any brains to do."

Inigo however didn't know what to feel at this moment when Auica's face is only 10 inches away from his.

Will he feel embarrassed in front of the crowd?

Sexually tempted by her charisma?

Intimidated by her attractive slim face or the small glimpse of the lady's breasts when she bent down to his size?

Or simply feel highly offended because of her unexpected comeback?

Whatever the case, he has been left speechless and at that moment has the ability to form only one sentence. "I'm sorry."

"Alright alright break it up you two, we aren't here to fight each other but the other three teams and we don't have time for this bullshit. Understand Ground tappers?" Fin demanded, possibly saving Inigo from further embarrassment.

Shifting the topics the way he wants them to, the Arena master continues with the schedule. "Now grab a sword of your liking, you will need to master if you wish to survive enough to be worth remembering."

Seeing the new Ground tappers not uttering a word while choosing their sword, while some like Aaron have no idea what they're doing.

Fin started trying to make up the time they lost throughout that argument, filling in the newcomers with more details. "Whatever swords you pick we have a master that can help with training, so pick carefully now because you can't change your mind later."

Willing to share a story with the group here, Bacada cites. "I trained with a master before, many students hurt theirselves or teachers because of picking the wrong sword."

"Well not here!" slightly shouted Arena master Fin with an aim to weigh in a few procedures. "Here you will need to be very careful around masters or they will cut off your head, do you understand me Ground tappers?"

"Yes sir!" They shouted all at the same time which yet again caused Arena master Fin a lot of goosebumps but he refused to show it once more.

With the schedule almost meeting an end on Fin's side, he points at the exit and explains. "Great! Now the master is waiting outside to teach you how to use swords. We are short staffed on teachers and he works 12 hours a day so don't piss him off!"