Walking into the Arena, the three bear bloods spot Inigo Cassinade fly for a foot or two before he met the ground again.
Taking a peek, the team instantly noticed who was the cause, specifically a group of ground tappers who for some reason broke a fight with Inigo. Well it looks less like a fight and more like a beating but the point is clear, Inigo is on the ground.
Gazing at the three bear bloods who just entered, Inigo points at them and lightly shouts. "This is all because of you! I got beaten up 3 times today!"
Tad liking the scene but not preferring how the other ground tappers are approaching with a crave to fight, Tristan Black Bear takes a step forward and approaches Inigo.
At the same time, the opposing ground tappers backed away, knowing what this man is capable of.
His tone thundering, gravelly in some aspects, Tristan shouts. "What the hell is going on here?"