
"Hugullukull..." Bava Maris spread the contents of her breakfast behind the training dummy.

"Are you okay?" Aaron questions, tapping on the lady's back and trying to assure that he's here.

"Yeah this is the third time today, you haven't even had lunch yet." Auica Hynde points out, taking a few steps closer towards the lady.

Spotting the shape of this lady's hurl, Auica becomes tad disgusted and joins the barf party. Bending down and hurling right near where Bava has thrown up.

"What's up with you ladies? Did you get food poisoning?" Tristan Black Bear questions, legitimately concerned for these women.

"I don't think so and I fear the worst." Auica replies and right after hurls her dinner behind the training dummy once more.

"Is this some kind of woman thing I don't understand?" Aaron wholeheartedly expresses with the prime urge to understand what's going on.

Leaning towards the lady, Bava asks as if by code. "Did yours not come this month as well?"