"What's that?" A civilian hollered, pointing away from the city.
"It's the holy light!" Another one shouted, firmly a believer of 3 gods a.k.a a Hajuk believer.
"It's a fire, a fire is rising!" A woman shouted out, using logic to her utmost advantage.
The fire stood out like an eye sore considering it was night time, it's tremendously hard not to pay attention to it.
"It's going to hit the city!" Another lady near her shouted out.
And so a man broke out a possible city wide panic by stating. "No, you're misspointing, the fire isn't moving."
"The fire is getting big!" Another man pointed out.
The fire stood about 10 feet tall away from the city, possibly 100 feet away and it stretched about 30 feet wide!
It's not large enough to swallow a city but the grand problem here was, where did the fire come from?
It just appeared out of a sudden, synced in all directions and attained it's eye catching size.