
For your trouble

After finishing his new shift in the private gym, Jack made his way back home, Anna is still supposed to be there.

It was still a blur why she visited in the first place but her being there saved the young man from a lot of pain.

To vampires, torture from the sun had relation to a more complex type of pain. The light goes through skin and over works the body, causing accelerated dehydration.

And it was no light dehydration either, it doesn't touch pure water alone but blood as well. Practically, his body starts drying out, blood just melts within him as if boiled down.

If in the sun too long under such condition, he can most definitely die, would have barely any difference from a mummified 3,000 year old body.

Anna being there and casually offering her blood, most definitely saved the day. Pain-wise and image-wise.