Chapter 16 - Discord

[Walks beside each other, so one doesn't drown in darkness and the other doesn't get lost in the wind.]

" As we both wish for no more bloods to be spilled... Then there would be no need for shields to bash, nor spears to thrust. "

" ...Fine. Only our swords will swing. The winner takes it all, just like the old times. "

They both agreed to settle this with a contest of honor. An all-out battle between the two. A wager with the highest stake possible. Halius raises his right hand to the air just like Zalros whom also did the same thing, before they simultaneously cast out a white flare to the sky. The gesture is a common tradition for the people of Edessia to signal the acceptance of a duel.

Seeing the pre-duel formalities, representatives of the two opposing armies ran towards their respective duelist. The captain of the Silver Legion and one of the reanimated dark knights, each draw a half-circle right behind their duelist until they reach the point where the other representative started marking their half-circle.

" By the name of Vashuldor, The Primordial God of Oath. I, Halius Haldarossa diel Edessias, accept this... sacred fight... With my fate in line and my faith in seal. "

The wound of his past aches when his mouth utters the words 'sacred fight', as if he was reliving the moments of his sin. But even so, he managed to complete his part of the oath.

" By the name of Vashuldor, The Primordial God of Oath. I, Zalros Mizardios diel Edessias, accept this sacred fight. With my fate in line and my faith in seal. "

Suddenly, the circle which has been drawn glows brightly. A white-transparent wall arises, enveloping, and trapping the sibling inside. It was an arena which is blessed by Vashuldor, a battleground for those with absolute resolve that grants the winner anything that they desired from the loser.

The warrior-bards of the Silver Legion slowly starts beating their war drums. It began with a few throbs and then with a steadily increasing tempo. When the rhythm is high enough, the war-horn is blown, marking the commencement of the duel.

Halius strike first. He charged towards Zalros, brandishing his sword skillfully like it was a part of his hand. On the other hand, Zalros, also truly well-versed with his dual short swords, flutters his black steel in the air like the wings of a butterfly. The fragments of mana from the colliding enhancement magic are scattered all around them.

While Halius can be described as a warrior with overwhelming might, valiantly charge forward with his decapitating strike and stunning bash, Zalros himself had efficient and alluring moves with his fighting style.

Enthusiasm, ardor, and passion are burning in the heart of the duelists and the spectators alike. For this is the true meaning of high-level combat. Where untrained eyes can see but the afterimage of the dueling warriors.

Halius swings his sword horizontally, aiming for his brother's neck from the right. But Zalros, as if he had seen it coming, effortlessly ducked down and stepped to Halius's vulnerable right side to launch a counter to cut the king's tendon.

Yet, the king also knew about the coming counter-blow. Quickly, he dropped his shield and with an inhuman speed, before blowing a thundering strike with his left fist to the opponent's right shoulder. Zalros was sent flying, and one of his swords slipped from his right hand due to the impact.

" Black art: Hellbound. "

Then again, little the king knew that his prediction has been predicted by Zalros, thus the drop of the sword was nothing but intentional. After Zalros activated the spell mid-air, myriads of black chain sprung up from the ground where his sword has stuck into, and pierced the king's left leg.

As Zalros saw the chain had struck Halius off guard, he sensed his way to victory. Thus, he performed a back somersault right before his body smashed the wall. Then, he kicked the wall to propel himself forward at an extraordinary speed.

But Halius was not an ordinary warrior, he knows it all too well that it has never been a good decision to launch oneself forward with so many openings. Hence, he intended to exploit his opponent's mistake by pretending to be tripped by the chain that had impaled his left leg.

" This is the end! "

Just when Zalros was about to slash the king’s head, Halius carefully activated an earth bending spell with precise timing. An earth spike rose from the ground, bumping right to Zalros's stomach, sending him flying upwards.

" Gu-hah! "

Looking at the opportunity to end the duel, Halius immediately imbue his sword with holy magic and break the binding chain in his leg. He then quickly jumped into the air higher than Zalros and then slammed him with a heavy strike.

" Return to yourself, Zalros! "

" Rift! "

The king powerfully swings his sword, creating a luminous crescent wave of energy that even leaves a great mark on the ground. With all the blinding dust, Halius couldn’t see Zalros anywhere in the arena. Thus, he slowly descends from above, until suddenly he got stabbed from the back to the middle-front of his chest.

" Ack! "

This time, Halius truly caught by surprise. As they both falling from height, Halius immediately spins his body and wrestle with Zalros. Which ended in Zalros being the cushion of their fall, landed head first to the ground.

Both of them swiftly retreats to the edge of the arena, tending to their wound. Halius with the hole in his chest and Zalros with his nosebleed as the direct impact has terribly affected his body.

" What... did you do? " Halius asked in puzzlement.

Instead of answering his brother’s question, Zalros demonstrated his mysterious power once more. He creates a small rift in front of his hand, and then a second rift appeared above his other sword that he previously set as a trap. From that rift, he fetched the other pair of his dual swords with ease.

" A spatial magic... is that even possible to exert such grand magic with such ease? "

" I don't want to use this power as it wasn't of my own. But things have changed. "

Halius get back on his feet. He regretted it as he should've been able to expect the unexpected. Since obviously, Zalros is not the same person as he was back then, hence naturally, the fight wouldn't end like the last time they clashed.

" Time to end this, brother. "

Halius declaration of the final showdown is wholeheartedly welcomed by Zalros. Both of them are on their stance, ready to deliver their ultimate spell. The drums and flutes stopped playing. There's not even a single sound except for every man's own breath.

" I call upon all stars that shine between the north and south. Breath the lustering incandescent to all that's untouched by the warmth of your fingers. Embrace us with your iridescent light, and repel the world from its shadows. "

" Gather to me the grim of unrestful spirits. May your grief be theirs. May your sorrow be theirs. May your torment be theirs. Let us paint the world black as it should be, for there is no bliss in life as it is in death. "

" Sacred Art: Golden Wind. "

" Demon Art: Wave of Vengeance "

They channeled a massive amount of magic, towering like a pillar in the sky. A twin of gold and black, contrast in color like noon and night. A

monumental-overabundant mana that attracts another ink upon the convoluted script of theirs.