Prologue I

Life, just like songs, sometimes can be full of ups and downs. Throughout this novel, clearly based on the same structure, you'll read soulful experiences, both for me, the writer, and you, the reader. Cliche has always invaded love and drama stories shown by Hollywood. But this kind of drama is predefined and generates in the audience some sort of expectation regarding their own love experiences. And usually, these expectations are not fulfilled in real life.

This book you're holding, however, won't show you fake expectations of fantasy dreams. Its objective, otherwise, is to impregnate your imagination with real and daily situations. Much of these memories are or were real, and are based on what I've experienced. These pages describe the high school days of Tyler, a smart guy full of kindness, and how his experiences with his friends, family and even with the girl he loves, change the way he sees the world and his own life, just like memories carefully intertwined with melodies.