13. To Star...

-Memory 13-

-A Sky Full of Stars-


March 12, 2019. Look, I honestly don't know if you'll ever know that this is written for you, but after our short talks on our way out of school, I think you deserve to know the whole story. I get it, maybe I exaggerated a little bit and it was just not as dramatic as I wrote it, but I think that I made justice to my memories, and I do think that giving it a look is worth it.

Probably our talks of every Thursday are nothing but just talks for you. And despite I leak evidence to affirm it, I do want to believe that they mean more than that; I'm taking this leap of faith. Despite you were present during the outcome, you don't have any idea of what happened before. I don't know if Ever told you anything —but I doubt it, she's pretty forgetful—, or maybe Sea talked to you about it. But if they didn't, let me tell you that I hope you don't judge me for the monsters living inside my closet. But I won't blame you if you ever do.