Benjamin stood at the height of the hill above Elkshire giving to the men who came pure white garments of sparkling pyrite which he and Eliezer had made from the materials which the men from Laoce offered. They had received a steady stream of travelers there throughout the days of their renewed presence in Elkshire, and the later they came, the more ragged they appeared.
Then came some men from Asrymn on the second day, they having decided to tarry three in accordance with Representative McFarland's original timeline, and approached their prince with a humble weariness. These men were among the last of the riders who had ridden with McFarland to deliver the message of his coming to the people. Their bodies were beaten and bruised, their countenance weary for the distance they had traveled and the constancy of their labour, and they fell down on their knees before him, dressed in their tattered, dust covered clothes.