Warring with Dragons

Adrien raised his head to the sound of the black waters ritual as the unending voice of the tiny, minuscule dragons berated him. To the others there, it was a sound like a high pitched scream, but to him it was the words of the dragon tongue which led to the creature's summoning.

"Dezu draco mortek, dominus mundus, dominus coelum. Dezu exsindo haxikus vestris mortek. Detraxis amarte portentik glaukxis. Exuros pux hominus exis fazik malumi provenias," the voice of the dragons repeated in the harsh tones of their dark melody, and it drained in his ears continuously, maddening him.

Adrien drew his sword and swung it out into the rain, splattering the drops and, for a moment, disrupting the magicians' song.

"Well, if it isn't Lord Blackridge," a voice came from behind him, snide and condescending.
