I Haven't Kidnapped You


"Ma'am," The Manager made me aware of his presence.

"Explain yourself" I ordered, turning around to face him.

"Both the kids are fired, they are in the staff room packing their things, it was all my fault I should have supervised better and stop the whole.............misunderstanding earlier than I did" He replied, wiping his sweat.

"Enlighten me as to why the assistant of assistant manager was working as a waiter?"I asked

"Uh......it was........ we were low on staff " He stuttered

"Well next time you are low on staff, hire people do not bully your subordinates unless you want yourself fired" I sneered and a shiver ran down him.

"Sor-sorry ma'am, this will never happen again" He said his eyes on the floor, shivering with cold, not the weather but my cold voice and fear.

"Show me the way to that boys room and notify the girl she is not fired and pay her a bonus also next time before firing innocent employees look into the situation first" I scolded

"Sorry ma'am, definitely ma'am" He said looking at me then back down then raising his left arm in a welcoming way continued "This way please"

Standing up I whispered a "c ya" to all my friends who've been witnessing the whole conversation and followed the manager.

After he informed the girl of her bonus and job we passed the girls quarter and went to the boys one.

"You can go now," I commanded after reaching the boys door.

He looked at me then at the closed door hesitantly but then nodding he scurried away.

I knocked twice before the door opened and the said boy came in view.

"May I help you," He asked hesitantly looking around the corridor

"Yeah, you may," I said and strode inside

"Excuse me, this is my room can I help you with something," He asked confused

"Why did you come in between the girl and the bitch," I asked sitting on the chair.

"It wasn't the GIRL'S mistake it was of the other two" He stated,emphasizing on the word girl.

"Oh I know, and by girl I meant the one you were saving not the bitch who slapped you," I said with neutral expressions.

"Oh, sorry yeah," He said nodding and looked curiously at me then continued "The dude......... man he was touching Jina inappropriately and though a few people around noticed they didn't do anything, but when it got out of hand, scared she spilled the drink on the bitch.......girl, woman"

He looked for the right word but then shrugging he continued "Next to her and she got bit- angry so I came in between" He explained, confused, deciding his limits.

"Did you know you could have lost your job by this stunt you pulled?" I asked looking straight at him, he scratched his neck but when he noticed he abruptly rushed his hands down and answered

"I did lose, but I was thinking of quitting anyway so.........," He trailed of answering honestly

"Why do you want to quit?" I asked with scrunched eyebrows

"My dad is getting retired soon and my mom wouldn't be able to handle him alone, they'll need company with them to take care of them..............." He trailed off looking down, deep in thoughts.

"You don't look like you want to go back," I stated

"I don't," He confirmed after sighing

"Then why?" I asked

"My brothers..........they have a business here and they've invested a lot so they can't go back home but I can, I'll find a job there, maybe work in their branch or something.........." He trailed off again looking at me this time.

"Would you leave the job if you weren't fired today, tell me the final answer," I said pointing at him

"I would, I want to work at my brother's," He said nodding, finalizing the step he wants to take.

"Cool then, submit a resignation letter right now, because you aren't fired," I said and he gave me a confused look.

"Uh..........okay" He said nodding to himself.

I looked around the room and asked "Do you have a place to stay?"

"I uh........ I don't have a place to stay." He said awkwardly looking around and I nodded but he continued "My brothers are out of town for business and I don't have the ......key, they'll be coming back by tomorrow evening though so I'll stay in a motel or something"

I nodded "Don't bother, you have a place to stay now, after you are done find me?" I said pointing at the heap of clothes on the bed and the bag besides them,.

"I uh... am sorry but do I know you?" He asked again after clearing his throat with that unsure frown and that god damned confused expression.

"No you don't " I said smirking but continued seriously "I owe your father"Looking ahead at nothing in particular.

"I think you've misunderstood, my father isn't rich...............like you" He said looking me over.

"I know"

"you sure?, his name is Danny Rodgers" He said

"I know" I answered, for some reasons he wasn't intimidated by me, wasn't scared enough of me to shiver and not be able to look me in the eye.

"Uh...who are you!" He asked after I had already walked out of the room

"Clare," I said and walked away to my next destination.


About twenty minutes later when I was out of Jina's room (the waitress girl) I walked back to the bar to find my friends all standing, ready to leave

"I have to go now my kids must be waiting" Xavier said, his wife died two years ago, leaving him with four kids to raise and though being single he has turned out to be the best parent those kids could ever ask for.

"Yeah man, I'll head too" Said Steve back slapping Xavier.

"Juana you can leave too" I said

"Yeah? cool then I'll head with you guys" She said shrugging, I looked up to Cody who had a frown on his face.

"Aren't you going home yet" He asked bringing everyone's attention

"Naah, I'll have a drink or two" I said and seated on a stool, Xavier and Steve shrugged and started walking followed by Juana who said a goodbye and walked out, Jolly and Julian had left already which left only Cody and me.

Cody stood next to me and seated on the stool besides.

"You don't drink anymore" He stated as a matter of fact.

"You know that" I said sipping my soda then pointed to the retreating backs of my friends and continued "they don't"

He nodded at my response then asked "Why aren't you going home"

"I have someone to pick before going home, I'm waiting for them to be ready" I answered honestly

"Them?" He asked not looking me in the eye, I know his face is full of concern but even if it feels good to have people who get concerned over you I don't want it, so I ignored him and continued to sip my drink.

Minutes passed by but he didn't leave my side, we didn't talk much either but looked around the corridor.

"Uh........Clare" Someone called, I looked behind me to see Carl standing nervously with bags in his hand and shoulder.

"Looks like my company is here you can leave now, I'm going home" I said looking at Cody.

He nodded at that and stood up, looking Carl over, he nodded and said to me "not that anyone can hurt you or anything but still be careful"

I smirked at that, black belt champion in martial arts no one could fucking think wrong for me let alone harm.

He walked out and so did we, Cody looked Carl over a few more times but again said nothing.

Well nothing new, territorial idiots.

We walked to my car and ignoring the expression Carl had we slipped in and I drove home.

His jaw wasn't exactly on the floor but it wasn't closed either, he kept on bouncing his knew, looking around the car over and over again.

The black car in the rear view didn't go unnoticed.

The lights of the house of Alaaiya were on, late at night that was normal actually but off earlier and then on now...........

I noted in my mind to visit tomorrow.

We walked out of my car with his luggage and walked in my house.

"That is the guest room you'll be sleeping in, that is my room knock if you want anything, and kitchen is there" I said after pointing in all the directions I faced him

"I'm heading to bed make yourself at home and don't panic if you cant open the main doors I haven't kidnapped you, they are just specialized locks" I said and he beamed a sheepish smile at that ignoring him I walked in my room and locked the door.

Changing into comfortable clothes I laid on my bed waiting for sleep to take me today, but when after an hour nothing happened I took the sleeping pills again and knocked myself out.