Hitching a Ride

"Are you the leader here?" Jiang Yao instantly asked when he came to Zhou Liqiang's side. The noble spirit of Jiang Yao was unmistakable, and his body released a natural oppression that made strangers fear him subconsciously.

"I am," Zhou Liqiang answered, his voice trembling slightly. "What can I do for you, your lordship?"

"We are going to the western area of the continent, but the trip is long, and we can't travel it on our own. We wish to follow alongside your caravan. I heard that your destination is the Myriad Sand Kingdom and that coincidentally is close to our destination."

Hearing that they wished to travel with them, Zhou Liqiang suddenly felt relieved. Such an overwhelming figure, he would be able to protect them if something unforeseen should happen, so he happily took the payment that Jiang Yao gave out, and prepared a carriage for them.