Chapter 30: Coordination

As soon as we passed through the stone archway, we were back in Angono, near where the gymnasium used to be which is now a coliseum. Looking around, I saw fire coming from somewhere. Stephanie saw it too and said, “That fire isn’t typical. The people there might be in danger!" I'm a little developed a bad feeling towards fire or anything that emits light after my brawl in the church with the god of light. I immediately whipped out my map and determined that the fire was near enough to the cave to get worried. “Stephanie, bring the wisp to the hospital so he can recover. I’ll deal with that fire." Stephanie frowned and said that we can just call for an ambulance for him and that she’s coming with me. She then whistled, and a floating ambulance came flying down within the next minute or two. While we were waiting for the ambulance, I thought of ways to dissuade her but couldn’t think of anything. So, I just commanded her to listen to my instructions clearly.

We’ll try to go to her parents first before we do anything crazy. When we arrived at the place of the fire, we saw a field of people knocked out. Stephanie told me that it may be because of her dad’s conquerors aura that these people are knocked out. When I looked at their clothes, they were wearing yellow and white robes, similar to what the commoners in the inferior dimension were wearing. Knowing that the church was involved, I contacted Max to come to me and tell me what happened. And then, I mentally texted the others where they were. I waited and waited but got no response. When Max came, he told me what was happening. Apparently, after I entered, they all couldn’t follow me inside because they kept on being rebounded. Since they repeatedly tried to break the seal, the Church of the Holy Light got notified of what they were doing. The church got concerned and commanded the sleeper agents to come to attack them. Most of them were just weaklings, but there were a few stragglers who were also Rank-9. Luckily, my friends managed to deal with the people of lower ranks pretty easily. As a last resort, the stragglers of Rank-9 summoned an avatar of their guardian saint. And currently, my friends are locked in a tough fight with it.

“Stephanie, listen to me. I will try to help your parents. Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself, but please get yourself to safety. If they see you, you would be a priority target.” Stephanie replied, “But master… I have to go! They risked their lives for me.” “Exactly! Would you rather their risking be all for naught if you get caught now?” Stephanie bit her lip and managed to say just one word, "Okay." I think she is just so frustrated that she can’t do anything to help. “I know what you're feeling. Don’t worry. It’ll just be this one time.” I then continued to pat her head and said, “I’ll make you strong enough to stand side by side with your parents. Soon enough. After all, you are my very first disciple. I can’t let you down." She reluctantly agreed and said that I should also be careful. She decided to head to the hospital to see if she can help anyone over there.

Max and I headed to the cave where the fight is currently happening. When I came to the site of the cave, it was razed to the ground. The trees surrounding it were either cut off or broken off. Numerous cave fragments were spread everywhere. I even saw some parts of Son’s exosuit weapon dispersed in different areas. The ground is crackling with either fire or lightning. I looked around to see if anyone was injured. Thankfully, everyone is managing to hold up. Jolly is in the backlines helping to do first aid for shallow wounds while Joyce deals with the deeper wounds. Currently, Julian is being healed. Dianne is preparing an immense spell, considering the amount of mana that I’m feeling coming from her. Son is the one providing cover for Dianne. Topher and David are teaming up against the enemy. It is a giant white devil-looking person around 8ft tall, with two angel wings on his back, chains on his hands, and a tail on his bum. I approached Joyce and asked about the situation. “It is not looking very good. He is as powerful as all of us combined.”

The situation is really bad, but then... I had an idea. I can help them with my Library. “Joyce, I know you might think this is odd, but can you tell everyone to listen to me for a bit?” Joyce nodded her head and told me that she can activate her neural network and patch me in. As I was being patched in, I compiled a book on everyone present in the fight to see their flaws. Topher and David fighting together, Son hovering above us, Joyce and the others... all of them. When I got patched into the network, I told them, “I’ll explain to you my side later but for now, just trust me.” Topher and the others have been working together for more than 20 years. Even if we're friends, I know it would be hard for them to just suddenly follow my lead without me providing any context.

I guess helping to heal Julian would help me gain their trust. "Joyce, lower your healing mana two inches to the right then try to heal his heart to make it pump stronger. Heal the injured veins located in these areas." I also pumped out some of my mana inside Julian to make it shine brightly so Joyce knows exactly where to heal. After some time, Julian is starting to gain consciousness. I then turned to guide Dianne. “Dianne, your spell is wasting too much mana. Try to imagine the size of a marble instead of the size of the sun in preparing your spell and aim it in between his eyes to stun him.” By pointing out her flaws and combining it with my knowledge of throwing out energy beams with my weapon intents, I was able to help Dianne increase the efficacy of her spells. It's now time to guide Son. “Son be prepared to defend when Dianne fires her shot. I’m not fast enough to give specific commands when that time comes, but Max will help you protect the girls. The only long-range skill that the enemy will likely use is his light elemental chains, so be ready for that. If all goes well, you won’t have to do anything.” I again checked on Julian's condition. “Jolly, give Julian the last elixir you can produce. It is fine if you pass out. Joyce can wake you after the fight. We need Julian to run at his full speed and hold the enemy for as long as he can, so Dianne’s shot hits perfectly.” I sent out commands here and there. “Topher, after Diane's shot, go punch him in his Adam's apple to break the mana connection in his head. And David, prepare to decapitate as soon as that happens.”

After giving out my instructions, they executed the attacks perfectly as per my prediction. Dianne's pure mana shot stunned the enemy which damaged him significantly. This became possible with the help of Julian who held him for half a second at most in the right place. The enemy’s loss of composure after being stunned then helped Topher to hit him in his Adam's apple, his weakest spot. This rendered him so weak to the point that he became no match to the strong decapitation done by David. After everything was over, Joyce woke Jolly up, and all of them looked at me with their eyes shining. Embarrassing!