chapter 1: Dooms day

Beep....beep.....beep.... the machines in the hospital ward, buzzed.

The starless sky, pitch dark if seen from the window.

Melanie steered awake from her daze, blinked taking in her surroundings clearly.

"You're finally awake ." a guy seated at the corner of the bed, in which she now laid, sighed, almost in relief.

Melanie was startled as she heard the sudden voice, gasped, and asked, " Where am I?"

" Hospital." his hoarse voice answered, exhaustion clearly evident in his tone. She looked up at him blankly, while her mind popped up with questions of all sorts.

He was dressed in a black leather jacket and half of his face was covered with a mask, not hiding the huge scar on his left brow as it peeped across its sides.

"Let me call the doctor," he strode outside not waiting for her response.

She frowned, entering into deep thought,

' Why am I in the hospital? Who was that guy? Oh, wait, my dad... his death then... the bomb blast in my house, where is my mom? '

Remembering the incidents, tears rush to her eyes instantly blurring her vision.

"So it is true, no it can't be, maybe I'm just dreaming " she denied, not admitting to it, she can't give in to that thought!

Just then the doors opened as the masked guy returned.

"Why am I here? And who are you?" she asked rubbing the tears off her face.

"The doctor will be here in a few minutes," he said avoiding her questions.

"Damn it, why don't you just answer me ?" she screamed, totally frustrated by his ignorance,

" I don't know why am here, I don't know whether my parents are alive, I don't even know why am crying and all I know is that am alive and confused and am screaming at a stranger." she wailed, pain seething off her.

"I'm, the Dark Prince, " his hushed voice was heard after some silence." Your parents are .... no more, yesterday was their funeral." hearing that, she nearly stopped tears, flooded back.

" No, it can't be, no .." she sobbed as her heart clenched, tightly against her chest.

" It's true. You have been out for about three days now," he explained as he wiped her unending tears.

' Where are my grandparents? ', she looked around for her extended family but found none.

As if he understood what she was looking for he sighed, " Your grandparents are no more your guardians. They gave your guardianship to Erick White."

She nodded absent-mindedly "Wait, what?" she asked, as she realized what he had just uttered.

Suddenly her breathing hitched and he could see her consciousness fade, soon she fell limply on the bed.

"Yeah your --" he was cut off as she fainted from her shock." Melanie ?" he panicked, screaming on top of his voice, "Zack, the doctor urgently, NOW."

"Don't worry Melanie I will always keep my promise, always " he said and smoothened her hair and left as the doctor entered.


"Who was it ?" his face cold as ice, fierce.

" The reports say that it's another Detective," the guy answered, shadowing his movement.

" Take the Dark army, Zack. Don't let the boys hold back," he smirked, bloodlust filling his dark eyes.

" Sure thing. " Zack smirked as he sensed his boss' craving for blood and left.

He sighed, controlling his murderous intentions, as he saw Zack retreating and pulled out his phone as it buzzed.

He looked at the ward with a bitter smile hanging on his lips.

'It's going to be hard little sunshine, very hard. Take care, My Love... My princess...'