Chapter 4: Neighbors

The white mansion, opposite Brenden's room:

"This is your room from now. You can ask me if you need anything, anything at all." Brenden said holding a door open for Melanie, his smile assuring her.

She nodded and gave a weak smile.

" Thanks "

Hearing her sad voice and the broken smile on her face his heart clenched painfully.

" We are neighbors, here too ."

he shrugged reminding her to lighten the mood around and it worked as she chuckled lightly and sighed and his sigh followed.

'But things are different and more complicated now.' Both thought.

Just then there was a knock on the door and a maid entered with their supper.

" Second young master and young miss here is your food," she said and placed the tray on a table and left after bowing.

" Mrs. Judith asked it to be delivered. "

"Uhm...that was weird." Melanie pointed to the door as the maid left.

She was from a normal family who was not lacking funds but, they were not very wealthy like the socialites or elite families so, it's no wonder that she felt all this- too extravagant and ... weird?

' Great, now I am a young miss. Like - who the hell addresses people like that?' she frowned.

Brenden chuckled ruffling her hair as he saw her frown," I understand. Well, you just get used to it very soon, don't worry about it. Now come, let's eat." he led her to the table and pulled a chair out for her.

" I'm not hungry," she shook her head as he gestured for her to sit.

" Eat, at least for my sake. Please." he insisted. Seeing the plea on his face she sat down, agreeing.

" Never say that you have no one again, you will always have me, no matter what. Do you understand?" he blurted out as they ate, certainity in his voice.

Melanie teared up but nodded ," I'm glad that I have you as my friend Bren. I really am lucky."

" Well, I consider myself a lot luckier than you, that I met you," a genuine smile lit up his face as he pushed his glasses up his nose bridge to avoid the display of his flushed face.

Melanie smiled a little as she saw him blush,' How I wish that you were my boyfriend, not foster brother. How good would it be if this were not the situation.' she sighed and continue eating, in the comfortable silence.

Both Melanie and Brenden's rooms were in the south wing of the mansion the guest rooms on the first floor below.

Her room was arranged with a huge bathroom, a walk-in-closet, a huge and beautiful bed, and a study table. ( Almost the size of her home's hall or even bigger -- As per Melanie.)

And everything in different shades of blue.

" I want you to be yourself Melie, don't change yourself because of this incident. Please. Take your own time but, not much."Brenden whispered suddenly as left the room with the tray." I can't stand seeing you so broken."

his voice quite painful as he gritted the last line.

" Good night, Bren, "she said, ending their conversation.

' I wish it was that easy, Bren. I wish. '


Next morning:

After the morning greetings. The entire White family, Brenden, and Melanie sat around in the huge table in the dining room.

Silence..... not a single word uttered.

"I'm really curious about how you guys met," Spencer asked out, breaking the awkward silence. The curiosity was bubbling in everyone's mind hence, they expected an answer too as they looked at the two, who seemed a bit lost in their own thoughts.

Both Melanie and Brenden, who were sitting opposite, faced each other, their eyes met for a minute moment as they uttered,

"The Paris trip." together, chuckling lightly as they said it out loud.


Did he smile? Again?... Is he still the same ice-block that we knew of?

"Ahem...Ahem... " Erick cleared his throat seeing them getting lost into their own world, again.

"Yeah I remember, even Scarlet was with you guys right?" Skylar asked, helping himself with another toast.

"Yep, she was. " Melanie nodded nonchalantly and turned alert.

' Wait, how do you know that? Skyler! It was him!! The phone call!!!'

" How do you know about his fiancé?" Spencer asked suspiciously, pointing Brenden.

" Nothing wrong with that." Brenden shrugged and resumed eating, cutting off the annoying topic.

Brenden was engaged when he was 14years old. His father James White had fixed it without his consent or knowledge, to his business partner's daughter, Scarlet Linale. She was a 14 years old, exactly as him, with no choice of her own.

Nor Brenden or Scarlet were interested in each other. Scarlet couldn't care less as she already had a person whom she desired.

Not that Branden could care less about that...

" So, why don't you tell us about your trip," Judith suggested, to keep Melanie talking.

Melanie looked at Brenden seeming to expect him to take over, but sighed as he acknowledged her to go on with a nod, encouraging her.

" Nothing more... "