Chapter 21: Rollercoaster ride.

" Proposal? " she chuckled at the unexpected question and answered after much thought.

"Umm.. maybe all alone only him and me, sitting together surrounded by flowers, trees, and small candles placed all around. A cute but romantic dinner, a beautiful sight to behold forever and ever." She smiled unconsciously at that thought and giggled ," Maybe I'll propose first."

Brenden was in deep thoughts about her strange wish, ' Didn't girls usually like to have huge, show-off type proposal scenes? * sigh * She's so different from everyone I've ever known. Quite amusing too ... Ok, I officially agree that I require therapy, two or more would suffice. Why do I feel like... I don't care what I feel like.'

" We should go find the others and maybe play some more games, too." he outstretched his hand for her, standing up.

Mel nodded and took the hand offered to her graciously.

" Why are you so tall?" she complained as she stood beside him.

He was a total of 165cm, very tall for his age than normal people, but where did normal apply to him in his life? Must be because of the crap that flows inside of him!

He chuckled and patted her head which only reached his chest.

" I guess it's you, who is short. What is your height? 150 cm?" he teased her a bit.

" Humph, " she harrumphed and glared at him ," I'm 154.76cm."

" Yeah, too tall indeed." he teased her further. Seeing her flushed face he had the urge to tease her more. ' She's so cute when she's grumpy. '

" There they are, " Mel pointed somewhere and pulled him as they walked. He sighed and let her drag him along.

If someone had told Lucas that he would see 'The Dark prince' being dragged like a puppy, by a tiny girl, he would have left the seventeen girls surrounding him instantly and would've run to see this sight.

He might as well saved his money by not being gracious enough to treat Alex of her mega scoop ice cream over a stupid bet. Unlucky b*stard!

" Hey, where were you guys?" Steph asked, as Mel and Brenden reached them.

" We just got to watch a good show. An over-dramatic one in that." Mel shrugged casually asking for Hayden." Where is he??"

" He wanted to ride the rollercoaster, so he went to get the tickets. " She said and looked towards a direction. "I'll have to go as he's too excited for it," she added sighing.

Mel's eyes brightened at the sight of the rollercoaster. ' How fun must that be!!! '

" I'll go too. .." She clapped cheerfully.

Brenden's eye darkened , ' Crap!! I can't !!! No way!!! Maybe I'll find a way to escape. Fu*k the speed!!! only for now...'


Hayden had bought eight tickets in total.

" I'm going and you're coming too," Mel said firmly and pulled Brenden.

" Listen, I have my reasons. Please understand," he spoke in a calm way expecting her to understand and leave him alone. ' He to wanted to give in seeing her cute stern face but he couldn't, shouldn't actually. '

" So, tell me the problem I'll understand. Please come with me. " She urged him, pouting.

He never wanted to share his problem and thoughts with others, never. But, all he knew was that he could not see her down, like this.

He sighed and said," I'll have to remove my glasses. " and ' I'm scared to ride that thing alright? It's my first time you can't blame me! '

She looked at him in disbelief. ' That's it...THAT'S IT???' Taking a long breath, she spoke after some thought.

" Well, if that can be arranged then would you come?" she was just testing his waters.

Brenden chuckled at the length she went to just make him feel happy. " Ok." ' Maybe, trying wouldn't hurt.'

' What? Never mind let me at least listen to her the few days I have left. '

Yeah, few...


Hayden had lined up to enter the ride along with Steph and others, when these two joined them.

They were speechless, seeing both Brenden and Mel with their hoods on and a cap covering their eyes and forehead.

" Are you two planning for a theft? " Lucas asked approaching them along with Alex who was trying her best not to laugh at their outfit.

" Well, that's a good idea. Care to be our bait?" Mel sneered at him and entered the ride.


The five members entered and Lucas and Alex followed behind them along with Bryan.

" So, can I hold your hand if I get too scared? " Mel asked Brenden, rubbing her hands together excitedly.

He smiled at her humble request and nodded. ' I'll try my best to control the fear in me!'

" I'm sitting in the last " Lucas added and went backside .

" I'll join you." " Me too." Alex and Scarlet called out and followed after him.

" Front or mid?" Hayden asked Mel, knowing that Steph and Brenden are joining them only because of their over-excitement.

" Front!!! " she jumped and went to the front pulling Hayden along.

Steph and Brenden sighed, they couldn't help it you know.

" Come let's go," Steph called out for him and left. Brenden stayed back as he thought that his friend here wanted to talk.

" You seem to like her." Bryan said slowly. " A lot. "

Brenden smirked his usual Dark prince one.' As expected, so predictable you see. Unlike his little sunshine. '

" You seem to like my fiancé... " He whispered into his friend's ear and sat down beside Mel., " A lot. "

Bryan's eyes widened but he managed to conceal his surprise. ' He knew it? He knew it.'


The people were told to remove their glasses and put their seat belts on.

They were seated in the front. Mel sat between Brenden and Hayden, Steph was beside Hayden and Bryan beside Brenden.

" It's starting." Mel tapped her legs and looked at the equally excited Hayden beside her and turned to see the ice-block. He sat there covering his eye his hands clutched together as though he was in pain.

She reacted instinctively and held his hands. He looked at her as though he was startled by her actions.

If one looked at his eye now anyone could say that it was dark with blue specks in them.

' His eyes were not brown like last time??? Maybe I saw it wrong. ' Mel didn't expose her doubts, instead, she pulled his cap down so that his eyes are covered and tied up his hoodie to hold the cap in its place

" This is better," she said satisfied with her skills.

He sat there as frozen as ice, so the name. Never did he think that she would help him instead of exposing him. ' Why did she do that? Why would she help him? '


For the entire ride, Mel was holding the totally freaked Brenden's hand. Nobody noticed much, as Bryan was shutting his eye tightly maybe praying the lords to keep him alive while Hayden was almost squished by Steph. Mel put up a strong front, even though she was freaking inside, for Brenden. At least one of them must be strong.

' He just puts up a strong front of others when he is still, just a little boy who had lost his childhood. What is his story? I don't know but I will always be a good friend if he'd give me a chance. ' She pledged and tightened her hold on his hands.


The ride ended and they got off drowsily, some were ready to repeat while others tried their best not topple over the others. Some people had got sick while others were busy acting mighty as though they didn't almost faint in the ride.

" You alright?" Mel asked worried, as they got down.

Brenden was back, as though he wasn't shivering in the ride. His glasses were back, hood down and he had removed the cap which covered half his face.

" Thank you." He thanked her and gave a reassuring smile and held her hand.

' Well I guess, I've gotten obsessed over this. Not that it's bad, I'll definitely miss it ..... miss her. '

" We should go stroll for some time before you get us into any other ride, come on." He said pulling her away without acknowledging the others.

' Why? Simple - because he didn't care! '


Hayden got off, princess carrying, Steph while Lucas was being supported by both the girls. Bryan went over to help Scarlet who willingly came over, due to her sick stomach, abandoning Lucas. Alex and Lucas held each other as both felt sick.

" Bro Alex don't let me fall." Lucas said holding on to Alex's shoulder, the ride was definitely a bad choice.

" Don't worry bro Lucas, we will support each other" Alex answered pulling both of them out and agreeing with him over the game.

' After all, you bought me the ice-cream for this. '

she thought with gratitude.

In between this supporting incident, the two who went to stroll were left forgotten.


After walking for sometime Mel felt the fright, she was done keeping up her strong façade. She teared up and ran away from the crowd leaving Brenden confused and ended up getting lost!

" Melanie? " He searched for her and went in the direction she ran. He no longer needed to keep his dumb glasses as they were of no use to him. He put it in his pocket and searched for her.

He was certain that she was lost . ' My dumb, frightened little sunshine! ' he was confused by his own thoughts.' My? Well, that doesn't seem so bad now, does it? ' he smiled at his own realization and went on searching.


Mel had run into on one of the mazes and was literally sitting down and crying in a corner, away from any prying eyes.

' Why act brave when your not? ' her sub-conscious reprimanded.

After a few minutes she calmed down and realized that she was practically lost and was stuck inside a maze for Christ sake!!!