Chapter 31: Self wreak.

6 months later:

" Hey Mel, you all packed? " Spencer called out for her.

" Yep, all done," she replied and put her backpack into his hands and got into the matte-black range rover, in the passenger seat beside Skylar, who was driving.

Brenden, Spencer and Spencer's friends filled up an entire rover along with the camping tents and essentials and Brenden was driving as he had got his license. ' How? No one knows that or that he knew to drive. '

The others, Scarlet ( Yes, the same, Brenden's fiancé.) and a few more guys joined Mel and Skylar in the rover.

The White family boys- Skylar and Spencer were quite fond of trekking, as the main White mansion was situated in hilly terrain. The sight was worth beholding forever.

Mel looked forward to this as she would be able to escape from the clinginess of Judith and Spencer, as she wouldn't be present and he would be busy with his boy band!

She looked up at the sky from the convertible rover. The sky was so clear, she sighed,

' Unlike your head! ' her subconscious pointed out. She ignored her and looked outside shutting out all the talk and laughter going on in the rover.

' I'm so out of place here! ' she wanted to scream for the people to keep their mouths shut, but she had to maintain some basic sense and control herself.

" Melanie, why don't you join us in a game of 'would you rather'? " A guy asked making her chuckle. He frowned and asked," Is something funny? "

She shook her head and spoke," Just a memory, " saying that she looked at Scarlet who seemed to have recalled that night, too.

" How could I forget that. It would be fun if Bryan would've been here too. " Scarlet sighed.

Mel saw that Skylar frowned as she sighed. ' Wait, what? Sh*t why does my head think only that way? Maybe it was just a coincidence after all. '

" He left for NYC for college. " Skylar answered and stopped his rover beside Brenden's, mid-drive beside huge trees, off the road.

" Oh. " Mel responded. She knew that he had some feelings for Scarlet, but leaving? That was unexpected, he was unpredictable most if the time.

" A penny for your thoughts? " Brenden asked holding the door open for her.

She shook her head and smiled. " Just some one-sided love story! " she muttered leaving him frowning and confused.

' Can she ever, EVER tell what the matter is before muttering nonsense??? I don't think so! not a chance. '

Just as he was about to follow after her his mobile rang.

* RING *

Seeing the caller ID he frowned.

" Amory," he said as a greeting.

" Seven days for a reason? or nine? " she asked skipping the greeting.

His already worse mood worsened!!!

He was already pissed that he couldn't spend time with Mel and now this stupid mission.

' Is it wrong to need some time to spend with her? ' he sulked inwardly.

" For how long? " he asked without replying to her question.

" Three months," she said curtly.

" Give me four days. " he hung up and sighed.

' It's a lot better if he learned to stay away from her, it's time to leave her alone. anyways. '


Main White mansion:

Mel stared in awe at the white mansion's ancient themed architecture, it looked more like a castle than a mansion.

The entrance was behind two enormous fountains which faced it. There were well-maintained and watered bushes surrounding the mansion. Every corner visible, was filled with tiny flower plants of pink and white. The flowers formed a roof which lead to a huge garden by one side.

" Welcome, Melanie." Erick White said pulling Mel into a tight hug. " It's been months since I've seen you! " he exclaimed dramatically as they entered the mansion.

" Umm... grandpa Rick, you visited me last week," she whispered to his ear. " It would be great if you could release me, now! " she added and sighed in relief as he left her off his bear hug.

" Ok, in you go. You can leave to trek tomorrow morning as the sun is already setting right now," he said and went inside with the butlers and maid helping the others with their luggage.


Mel was given her room, it was a lot similar to the one back in the white mansion in the city.

Royal blue walls, turquoise curtains and rug, teal bedding accessories, and a dark blue wardrobe, study table, and doors.

Her ' blue haven ', as she calls it.

There were French windows that opened wide towards the west allowing the sunset rays through. The mountains were blanketed with heavy layers of thick fog. The evening birds sang as they sat on the tree beside the window.

Mel sat on the window, she pulled out her phone and re-read her favorite novels, enjoying the sight outside. She hadn't felt so calm-minded and peaceful ever since 7 to 8 months ago, since the bomb blast.

She sighed and closed her eyes for a nap as the slow, cold breeze blew over her face.


Brenden sighed as he shut his laptop. He really has a lot of trouble hiding here, isn't it?

Why hide, just because of the great ' Vermillion dragon ', lurching in White family.

Yes, the very one who owns the Dagon Dagger syndicate.

At first, he really was happy that his family found him but he still didn't trust them much. Well, all his life he had seen people's betrayal, blood vengeance, torture, oh whatnot?

He, himself had taken so many lives, to claim that nobody wanted his would be a blunt joke.

Being an underworld hacker and inventor didn't help, too. You know, to save his life.

Not that he loved his life, but he didn't want to die in the hands of unworthy people. And now, he had someone to protect.

He smiled bitterly as he thought of her. She had changed drastically, after the blast, which caused her parents' death.

She seemed lost somewhere in her freedom, and really needed support. That was the only reason for him to stay back from leaving to DT syn. Now that she is in good hands he could leave her life, for good.

Thinking about her, he remembered something and went to call Zack.


Mel woke up on her bed in the morning.

How had she got there?

She sat up in a daze. ' How the hell did I get here? ' she wondered, but let it pass.

She didn't care anymore. She didn't care if she was alive at that moment or not, that was just, 'nothing' compared to that.

Getting freshened up, she opened the windows. She loved a good sight of nature.

" Morning dad, mom, " She muttered looking at the still foggy morning.

After some time there was a low knock on her door.

" Mel, are you awake? " Spencer's voice echoed. " Well, if you are, then get dressed in proper clothes and trekking boots! Pack somethings along, too. " then the hall went quiet.

She grimaced looking out the window, ' I guess it's time to, change, be me again! ' she got off the window and got into her walk-in closet.


Mel stood in front of her mirror and looked at the girl in total dark clothes and wet hair.

' So, great! ' her subconscious commented, folding her hands, sarcastically.

" Ok, all I need is to find good clothes, bright and normal! " she nodded to herself and searched.

At last, she found a normal white, fluffy hoodie and her usual blue jean from in between the waves of dresses. She wore the trekking boots which were placed beneath a whole lot of stilettoes.

" Ah... I wish I could wear them." she sighed as she eyed the stilettoes.

' Well, you should know to walk in them, without breaking your ankle, for that! ' her subconscious sneered.

Ignoring her, she brushed her, now, dried hair.

She tied it into a ponytail, unlike her usual bun.

" At last! " She looked at the mirror and felt like herself, not a self wreak.


In an abandoned corridor, White mansion:

" What are you doing here? " Skylar's voice echoed through the hall as he glared at the hooded figure at the end of the hall.

That figure smiled, " Oh, I see that you recognize me! " and let his hood fall behind.

" How could I not, Venom? " He sneered back. " So to what do I owe, Lucas Harrington that, he decided to break into my home? "

Lucas harrumphed, " I wish that were the case. I heard that my sister was here. I just came here for her. " he answered truthfully.

" Sister? who Scarlet? or any other girls? Might've been a mistake, I believe. " Skylar said and walked closer to Lucas.

Lucas still stood his stance. " I'm here for Mel. I was stuck with a mission, trust me. I just want to talk and spend some time with her. "

Skylar frowned, " How do you know her? "

" Last Paris trip, " he shrugged. " So, do I get to meet my sister? Not like your decision matters, I'm seeing her regardless. "

Skylar's frown widened, ' Whom else did she meet in the Paris trip? I hope she didn't meet 'him', but... for now '

" No, and she is not your sister! " he snarled, pissed with his guts.

"I knew her before you, alright? So, back off. " Lucas pointed out.

" Nobody cares whether you met her before! " Skylar snorted.

" Oh, sure let's see whom she chooses, as her brother! "

Suddenly another voice resonated between their stupid ' my sister ' quarrel.

" Enough! "

Both, pissed looked at the person who had come.

Brenden glared at both of them, he looked rather intimidating now.

" Fighting like rogues, the leaders of underworld clans. Great, isn't it? " he sneered and looked at them as though he was disappointed.

" What the hell are you, toddlers? "