Chapter 33: I like your scar.

A while ago:

Mel stared at Rochester for the rest of the sentence.

Her mind screamed for her to run away and not to know the truth but, her curiosity got the best of her!

And as everyone knows, Curiosity kills the cat!

" I'm the reason why your dad and his team were selected for this mission. " he blurted out and stopped her, as she was about to react, " Wait, before you say anything, I did it because I was stupid, alright. My dad joined them at the last moment, because of my mistake. It was all my mistake! "

Mel stood there fixed to the ground, her face expressionless. She still could not take the information. " It's not like you can do that Rochester, don't blame yourself. " she managed to force out a few words.

" Don't be this understanding, please I beg you. I did it because she... I was jealous, Ok? I was jealous. Dian used me and threw me like I was nothing, that's when you, we're all happy and filled with laughter. I'm so sorry, I really am. " saying that he ran away, into the forest, not wanting to face her.

Mel's head was muffled with what he had told her. Did he just get jealous of her being happy when he was sad, like ' where in hell was the logic in there? '

And he just sent her dad on a suicide mission, because of his jealousy towards her. Was this a joke to him?

Did her father just die because of her?

All because of her!

As she realized, tears flowed from her eyes, uncontrollably as her heart clenched painfully. She could feel something pull her from the inside, as though, it would kill her, but it just wouldn't!

' It would be better if it would, wouldn't it? '

She ran into the forest and slipped on the slightly damp grass and wailed.

Her agonizing cries filled the air, the winds blew ferociously matching her inner torment.

Suddenly, she was engulfed in a warm embrace.

She pushed away from it, even though that was the only thing she needed right now.

She could see half his face now that, with all her strength she pushed past his broad chest. His scar on the left brow assured her, she felt safe.

She now hugged him tighter and sobbed.

In between her sobs, she explained the things to him.

" I...* sob * It was * sob * because...* sob * of me! *sob * " then she pushed him away from her and stood up, hastily.

She wiped her tear-stricken face along with her smut and glared at him.

The guy looked back at her helplessly, his heart was clenching at her sorrow, but would someone believe him? Would she?

" You were the one who saved me that day, right? The day of the bomb blast? " she asked, " Answer me!!! " she screamed when he sat there motionless.

" Yes. " he nodded once, his face all-straight, giving no emotions away.

" Why did you do that? I would've been happier if I would've died that day. Alongside my parents, not alone, like this " she wept, " in total guilt. " she muttered.

He sighed and went over to her and cornered her to a tree. He could see that she was totally blaming herself for that blast.

" Listen to me alright, " he said patiently, a parent to a child... " everything has already happened and a few words from that fu*ken as*hole, which by the way was nothing but nonsense, really doesn't matter..."

She nodded furiously, " You know...* sob * you know, that fu*ken man wh*re told me that his a*s was jealous of me! He was jealous that I was happy when he wasn't. Which psychotic fu*ken bastard even thinks like that? Where the hell was he when I was drowning in sorrow, banging her on some wall? " she burst out in anger.

He was flabbergasted by the usage of the words by her...

' My, my I probably couldn't even use so many words together in the same sentence and her language- banging, what does that even mean... oh, never mind, I don't wanna know. ' he sighed and looked at her face.

Her face was now flushed red, from her crying. She looked so, cute with her swollen pink lips and goofy eyes, his face was just inches away from hers. He gulped and moved away.

' SH*T! What the hell I'm I thinking, she is just a child! '

Just when he was busy cursing and disciplining himself, Mel called him.

" Hey, Mr. Terror, I am so bad? I promise, I didn't do it," she said, holding back her tears.

" You didn't do anything, I know. " he smiled and sat down on the grass and patted beside him, gesturing for her to take a seat.

She wiped her face with her sleeves and sat down beside him.

" How could I trust you? I don't even know your name or how you look," she complained and looked blankly at the moon, which was partially visible through the leaves of the trees. The wind had now calmed down and was just blowing as a gentle breeze.

" I'm not a good person," he said turning his face away in disgust.

" Wow, what a surprise! I'm stunned! " she scoffed, and continued as he looked at her in disbelief, " Don't tell me that a normal person would roam around wearing creepy masks and jump up to help a girl whose house was just to be bombed. "

He chuckled and sighed, " Leon." he mumbled, almost inaudible.

" What? " she asked in astonishment, ' Why would he tell me his damn name, just for a stupid girl blabbering sh*t, to believe in him? '

" Endyleon, that's my name. " he then removed his creepy mask and looked straight into her eyes.

She felt him oddly familiar but she couldn't point at it correctly.

She smiled at his trust in her, but then she was awestruck as she saw his face.

It had a huge scar that cut his left brow and extended until his cheek, his jawline was to die for and the most mesmerizing feature, his eyes, were dark and with strokes of blue.

' It seemed a lot familiar but her head was all muddled up with unwanted blame and stuff. Hence, she could not point at it, again, '

" I like your scar, " she commented and turned away. She flushed, but felt happy that at least she had him at this moment.

He seemed surprised that she like his scar, " It's hideous. " he snorted.

" No, it isn't. It's just a part of who you are, why disgrace it? Why not embrace it and love it instead? " she argued, not agreeing with him.

" Love? Well, it's not meant for me, " he stared at the moon, avoiding looking at her.

" Well, if a person can't love oneself, how can he love another? How can he even say that he loves another, be it anybody, for that matter? You can only portray a feeling if it's already inside you, that being said, you can only love a person if you love yourself! " she concluded.

He frowned and looked at her.

She was still the light, the only light that can shine in his dark world. But, how was he to learn to love himself, when he has always been hating himself for almost his entire life?

" Well, let me try then. " 'For you, I will give myself a chance, Princess, I will.' he added in his mind and smiled at her.

" It time let's go, there might be people looking for you. " he reminded Mel, who was busy staring at the moon and smiling as the breeze blew a few locks of her hair.

He smiled and leaned closer to her and tucked her hair. And retracted quickly before their eyes met.

He was losing his rationality when he was around her. He should leave, must leave.

" Come, " he said holding his hand out for her.

She could still not react as she felt strange things happening to her as she felt his breath on her nape, ' Was it always like this? ' She could still feel the strange but comforting feeling. She then realized that he had been waiting for her hand, for quite some time now.

She instantly put her hands in his and he pulled her off the ground.


They walked in comforting silence, together.

" Here put it on," he said, handing her his jacket.

" What about you? " she asked, concerned. ' Hey, what so ever happens, he was human! '

" I'm fine, it's not so cold. I've faced worse. " he shrugged holding the jacket for her to wear.

She smiled gratefully and shrugged into his jacket. ' I guess, a little less of a human, afterall. '


They reached the entrance of the clearing and many people seemed to be looking for her. It was dark enough that they couldn't see clearly.

" Ok then, here," she said handing his jacket back to him. When he seemed to protest, she caught his hand, " I really don't want to explain it to them. "

He seemed to understand and nodded.

Just as she was about to leave he caught her hand and put something big into her hand.

" It's for you, a small gift, an answer to all the questions running in your mind, " he said in a deep voice and she could feel his breath on her nape again. Her heartbeat accentuated. " And the other one, is actually for me, more than it's for you. I will miss you, always. Take care my princess. "

She suddenly felt, a gush of wind and he was nowhere to be seen.

' Where the hell was he? ' she searched around and sighed.

" Good at hiding, huh? Well, thank you, Mr. Terror, " she said out loud and turned to leave.

Just a few meters away, he sat on a tree bark, grinning, ' I still like the way you address me, little princess. '