Chapter 35: Get out off my way!!!

The next morning:

Brenden bid goodbye to everyone and went to find Mel.

He knocked on her door but she didn't open it so, he helped himself and went inside.

He smiled as he saw her sleeping on her desk. He went to her and lifted her without waking her and placed her on her bed, carefully.

He looked at her fondly and tucked her hair and kissed her forehead.

' I'll be back before you know it sunshine. '

He was about to walk out when a sheet of paper landed at his foot due to the breeze. He didn't think much of it and picked it up. Suddenly a word written in it caught his attention.

Raziel Reed!!! So he is a Reed, now?

What about him, now, after all these years? He frowned and took that paper along with him and left.


Mel woke up that morning, only to find that Brenden had already left.

She was a lot disappointed that she couldn't bid him goodbye, but ' it's, ok ', she told herself.

Later, she excused herself from the others and went to check on the reports her dad had left.

All of them held information about syndicates, criminals- monsters to be specific.

She checked all the reports and found a consecutive page missing, but didn't dwell much on it and went on to reading the letter, her b*start savior, had given her.

She wondered what - ' It's actually for me ', meant from what he had said that day.

She found him a lot intriguing. As the saying goes, the moth is always attracted to the fire!

" Princess ", the letter addressed her, she smiled at that. She had always noticed that he had called her, princess. Why? she clearly didn't know.

' Never mind. ' she sighed and continued her reading.

" Your life has changed a lot more than you've ever expected and known, but isn't life all about surviving through tough times? You seem to have lost your light, that kept you going, and trust me, I understand. Give yourself some time, you deserve that much!

Those reports were found by the detective teams, who planned to leech off the information, for money and other stuff and you don't need to bother about them, for now. It was your dad's hard work which I wouldn't let anyone get in their hands on.

Just keep the files, and yes, if you ever wonder why I came to the trek and how I knew about it. Well, I have my means and they're not very clean, so I would have to advise you to stay away from me. I would not meet you from now, onward, hopefully.

Just remember, these accidents are not because of you and DO NOT blame yourself.

I will never interrupt your life ever again, I shouldn't have anyways. So, take good care of yourself, for me. And, don't forget me, as you're the only one who knows me, the real one at the least.

Be brave and stand up for yourself princess. I will always be there for you. You're never alone.


Mr. Terror!

P.S, I still like the way you address me! "

She chuckled at his words, ' Well, at least he isn't lying, telling me that he is a good guy around. And with his tracking skills, he surely isn't a saint! '

Her subconscious nodded, agreeing with her but questioned.

' But what 'means'? and what does he mean by, not to worry about those people for now? '


Dark Torment syn. main base:

A camouflaged huge metal, heavy guarded, well-secured door stood in between the woods. If one didn't observe clearly it wouldn't be visible and thanks to the Dark prince to make it invisible from any other technical means of finding the entrance.

Brenden walked into the base from his self-made sleek black car. He typed the password in the hidden compartment and was welcomed by 8 huge men with arms.

" Get out of my way, I'm quite pissed," he advised rolling his eyes and walking past them.

He barged into a door which clearly said - DO NOT ENTER!


" Why the hell I'm I summoned again?" he glared, his voice different from his usual polite tone.

" If I were you, I would mind my tone! " a low, but the authoritative voice spoke.

" Amory. " Brenden greeted, annoyed. " Hey you- " he snapped.

" get out! "

" Let's meet sometime, for the deal, I mean. " The man who sat in front of her spoke, ignoring Brenden.

Brenden chuckled, ' What an audacity! ' He walked over and caught the man's neck, from behind. Holding him in place, he tightened his grip, making the man choke on his breath!

" Let him go," Amory said calmly, still not kicking that flirty ass of his outside, to Brenden's irritation.

Brenden frowned, but he knew that she would've never let things go this far, unless she had a plan. He pushed the man at his chair and glared at him.

The man coughed and glared at Amory, " Is this the man whom you offered to send to me for my protection? If he is the one, I would probably need someone to save me from him! " he screamed in anger.

" Oh, trust me, I'm really NOT in a good mood and you wouldn't want to ruin it again. " Brenden glared at the man and walked over to the couch, placed at a corner if the cabin.

Amory looked at Brenden, her face perfectly calm while helpless, were her eyes.

Brenden looked at her and got that she really was up to something by sending him with that guy!

" Ok, you have one choice, it's him- this boy not man, that you get or nothing. Choose, now." Amory spoke authoritatively, looking at the man.

The man shivered involuntarily under her gaze and looked at Brenden.

" Is he the only tech guy your entire syndicate has? A little boy? " he asked, frowning.

Amory was quite pissed, ' I could have him for my lunch right now! * frustrated sigh, internally * I should have let Brenden choke him! '

" HIM or get out! " she snapped.

" Ok, ok, it's him," he said raising his hands in defeat. " At least his team must work well. "

Brenden scoffed as the man left, blindfolded out of the base.

" Is that guy for real? Ah... what an a*s." Amory groaned, breaking out of her stone face.

" You want me and my team to work for him, like seriously? " He asked as she sat beside him.

" I need some information about Alpha. And I don't trust anybody else." she sighed.

He looked at her in disbelief, " You just want me to stalk him? Him again? "

"It's not stalking, it's just getting information about the enemy to stay safe! " she retorted.

" Oh, well, if that's what it is, I'll go," he shrugged nonchalantly and walked out. " I'll have my team ready. "

Amory sighed as he left, ' Where the hell is you? All I want you for, is to, cut you into pieces and to feed them to starving vultures! Just like you killed him.

I will kill you, for sure, where ever you are! '


The Dark prince's cabin:

Brenden walked inside and jumped into his bed.

' Oh, how much I missed you! ' he thought as he lay on his hard bed. ' But I'll sure give you up, if it were for her, even if it's just a minute... ' he sighed and got off.

He had work to do and if he still thinks of her then... things will get harder.

He pulled out his laptop and unlocked the mask which he wore. He himself had made a face mask which was made by tiny nanobots.

It made the usual disguise easier, but harder to remove. One had to hack into the system of the nanobots to unlock the mask or tear it apart from the face by cutting the flesh, either way, you would not be able to find who that person is or what he looks like.

He had been worried before, when Mel wanted to ride the roller coaster earlier, because of this... and other embarrassing causes, but this one was main, ' Ahem... '

The nanobots didn't love the speed and they could not change the color of the eyes.

Hence, the glasses. It was made so that his eye color could look brown.

He sighed at his own disguises, lies, inventions, life...

' Well, at least now I had someone to protect.' He could see her in 3 months. That cheered him up... he smiled at that thought.

" How stupid. " he muttered as he changed his clothes.

He wore his usual leather black jacket and smirked, as usual, as him, himself, his true self, 'now I've got some work to do with my team, if we are going to stalk that dog, Alpha again. '


White mansion:

Days passed, each just back to usual- from school to the mansion and back to school!

Mel frowned at her own life, sitting on the window with her legs dangling outside.

It was nothing compared to her life back then...

Even if she didn't have all this luxury and wealth, she was happy, with nothing!

She had her parents to make up for that, her cousins and a whole group if people whom she thought of has her own- her family!

She chuckled, ' But what now, if the ones whom you love and know, leave you? '

Tears fell off her face, as she tried hard to forget her family, even if they had left her with nothing, she loved them!

Which frustrated her.

Alex - Alexandra Scott, her only friend who disappeared from her life that night.

She cried, as she consoled herself through the moody night. The sky that gave her a sense of belonging, seemed to cry along with her. It rained, the winds drafted down as she cried, in a eerie sense of loneliness, a piece of her lost, maybe never to be found again...

' What am I without you guys? Why would you leave me, like this, all alone? Is this a punishment? If it is, I'm sorry, I'm so very sorry... It's all my fault, I'm sorry. '

I promise to get to the end of it!