Chapter 44: It better be hidden...

Mel looked at the differently dressed Brenden and smiled.

' Is something wrong with him? Why isn't he saying anything? Do I look that hideous? ' she checked herself.

" You look gorgeous," he said after a minute of silence. " You do too, Amory " he added without looking at her.

" You can at least spare a glance, you know. " she sneered and chuckled, " This is the reason you shouldn't fall in... " he shut her mouth with his hands before she could say more.

" That's more than enough help. "

Mel stood there in confusion, ' How do they know each other? These families didn't meet often, did they? they're so close? '

" We should get going, come," he called out, breaking her thoughts.

She smiled not giving her suspicion away and nodded.

Amory coughed lightly, reminding Mel of their conversation.

Mel frowned lightly but turned away from him, " Brenden's right, we should get going, come along. " she said to her and left.

" It's because of you isn't it? " he asked coldly, glaring at her.

She just feigned innocence, " Is it? "


Mel walked into the ballroom along with Judith, who was waiting for her downstairs.

" I'm so glad that you waited for me aunt Judith," she said nervously as they entered the crowded hall.

" It's alright dear, did something happen between you and Amory? " Judith asked, maintaining her smile.

" No, she just said that nothing went wrong because of the game today. " she said, ' If I say that it was nothing, that would explain everything! '

" Oh, I asked because she usually isn't so friendly with anyone, don't mind me. Enjoy your night," she said to Mel and left.

Mel trembled standing alone in a crowded hall, ' Holy cr*p ! I am on my own in this? '

" Melanie Lambert, isn't it? " a voice echoed from behind her.

She took a deep breath to calm her senses and turned to face the person who knew her- real name.

' Wonderful! this evening just gets better and better! '


Topmost deck:

" Why would you ask her to stay away from me? " Brenden asked frowning.

He knew that she would always have a reason to do something and he had never questioned her, ever, but this hurt!

' Why? He didn't know. He just needed an answer, the explanation for anything that would keep him away from her.'

" Do you even remember who you are? Did you forget about your training which you were to attend when you were 18 and now you're late by a year... " Amory spoke shutting his thought process.

" Listen, if we enter that world, you know that there is no going back. There are ways to kill yourself to protect your family or to kill your family to protect yourself. You choose! "

He frowned and sighed, " I don't know why, but I really want to keep her safe. "

She smiled slightly, " You still don't or are you trying to shy away from it? "she asked, understanding him.

" It better be hidden, if it would keep her safe. If staying away from her is the only way to keep her safe then, I'll do that," he said looking at the dark horizon extending into the unknown.

" I'll see ' you ' in a week then," she said and walked away.

He turned towards her,

" Give me 3 days. "


Mel turned to see that the person who had called her was the old lady Heike.

" Hello, Old Mrs. Heike. " she greeted and bowed slightly.

' Cr*p, why am I so clueless out here? Could the situation get any more awkward? ' she cursed herself * face slapping * internally.

" I see that you know to greet elders. Not so disrespectful, alas. " the old lady said sarcastically.

Mel smiled awkwardly, she really didn't want to be here.

' I knew that the bow might be dramatic. ' her subconscious chuckled.

She might have used a million or more cuss words but had never disrespected anyone.

" I'm sorry for the things that I spoke yesterday, ma'am. I hope you can forgive me," she said, making the situation more awkward than before.

The old lady glared at her and then, " Know what you speak and where you speak, young lady. It might get you into trouble if you lose control on your tongue like that. " she said calmly.

Mel looked at her in confusion, ' Wait! she wasn't gonna scold but, advise her? '

" You are very bold with your speech when you get angry, so mind that. And it seems that you are good at guessing and estimating the information that you seek. " she wondered, avoiding Mel's confused expression. " What is your ambition? I might have some great deal. "

Mel shrugged, she didn't have an answer to that question.

She had long-lived for all the expectations that had been set up for her by her family, more than she ever has known so far. All the things that she tried to satisfy everyone with...

She frowned and excused herself from the old lady.

" Excuse me, I have someone to find," she said and walked away smiling bitterly as the old lady responded.

" You look good today. Don't get back to being a mess, try to take control over yourself or things might get harder on you. "


Mel walked away from the crowd to a secluded balcony in the hall. The cold breeze blew against her face, calming her raging emotions down.

She with held the tears which threatened to fall.

' Who am I? Who am I without my family? Do I really have no reason to live? ' she asked herself.

" Care to share your thoughts? "

She turned around to see the person, who had spoken.

" Lucas? " she blinked the tears in. " What are you doing here? "

He flicked her forehead and sighed, "The wrong question, what are ' YOU ' doing here? "

She glared at him, rubbing her forehead, and snorted, " I wanted some time alone from idiots. "

" Oh, you mean only Brenden, right? What did he do now? " he asked, concerned.

She sighed, " Not him, but things I'm really trying to ignore are getting on my nerves now. "

" Don't worry, you will figure things out. " he said comforting her.

" Thanks, " she smiled, " You know, you just made my day. "

" I'm just too great, aren't I? " he asked grinning at her.

She frowned, ' Was I just too hasty with judgment? '

" Ok let's go, I have someone to meet. " He said tagging the confused Mel along.

She glared at him, ' I definitely was hasty!!! '


" Meet Aiden Smith, the son of the CEO of L.A. publication house. " Lucas introduced Mel, who was literally clingy to his arm. " And this is Mel White, CEO White's granddaughter and my little sister," he said, to the 17-year-old boy.

" Oh, we meet again feisty... I mean Ms. White. " The guy with the same dull blue eyes, blonde dressed in a prim and proper tux.

" Hi," she said curtly, maintaining a straight face.

Lucas frowned, ' What does he mean by feisty??? '

" Did you know each other before? " he asked, maintaining his friendly smile.

Aiden chuckled, " We met by an accident. She was nice. " he said with goodwill.

" Yeah of course, I kicked him. " Mel responded with a sarcastic smile and left Lucas and Aiden alone.

Both the guys looked at each other awkwardly and looked away.

' Ok, I didn't expect that little monster to be that frank. '


Mel walked away and sat down at a dessert table.

The cupcakes were decorated beautifully in bright colors and were arranged on a huge, grand platter stand.

' Seems like that stand is taller than me... ' she thought, munching on to the cakes and donuts near her reach.

' Do you really have nothing to do than munch on sweets? ' her sub-conscious snapped but she was deep in thoughts to even consider her.

' Why the hell am I like this??? No idea on what to do with my life, no clue on why I must stay alive, no wish to ever live... ' she sighed deeply and put the donut into her mouth.

" What's wrong? Are you alright? " Brenden asked sitting on the chair beside her.

She frowned,' I am not supposed to speak to him, I should stay away from him! But, why? '

He realized that she was too quiet, unlike her usual self.

" Don't mind what Amory said, for now. "

" What do you mean by 'for now'? " she asked, looking at him.

He pushed his glasses onto his nose brink and sighed, " I'm going to NY, the same academy and it may take a while before I return. " he said ignoring her question.

She smiled, " Ok, when would you return this time? Is it for 3 months again? " she asked.

" No, it might take a year or so... I looked into the full-time courses, this time," he said looking away from her eyes. ' Why, why do I have to lie to you? Well, there's nothing wrong with lying to you if it's for your own good. '

" Ok, when are you leaving? " she asked. She quite didn't feel so bad as she felt before. If you ask why- she didn't know.

' Maybe because I feel guilty looking at Bren each time I meet Mr. T or something, but it was definitely because of him. '

" Two days from now. " he replied, noticing her abnormal silence.

" Are you sure that you're ok with it? " he asked.

" Yeah, I have a lot of things to sort out too. I'll be fine. " she said smiling and continued on her donuts. ' What's not to be ok with? '

He frowned, ' What is wrong with her? '

Did I do something?

Did Amory tell her something?

' By the way, what did they speak? '