Chapter 52: Newly earned secret.

Brenden got off the plane and went directly to the White mansion in the city.

He freshened up and went out to see Mel in her room.

He opened the room door, to his surprise, it was locked.

" Great. " he hissed, after all the hectic training, an entire year of not seeing her, he returns to see this locked door of hers.

' Way to Dark prince! ' he snapped at himself and went to find anyone in the mansion.

" Where are all the people here? " he asked, much annoyed, to a maid near-by.

" Young Master, your aunt, and uncle are out on a business trip while your brothers are with their friends and young miss is in the old White mansion," she answered and left.

He sighed, ' That's the reason you should've used that brain of yours to track and follow Skylar or at least Melanie. So much trouble for formality! '


Mel roamed around the syndicate with glee. It was her first time looking at guns, different kinds in that.

" What's you're favorite? " she asked Skylar.

He shrugged, " I like them all but the snipers are the best..." he went on explaining the merits, demerits, types, positions of attack... on and on, none of which Mel paid any attention to.

" I guess we need to head home now, I don't want Erick to worry about me." she reasoned, as it was the only excuse she could use to escape the guns and Skylar.

" Let's get going then, I'll drop you," he said and walked out without suspecting her boredom.


Coming out, she bid her goodbyes to everyone in the syn.

" Bye, Ryder. I hope you get along with that guy of yours. " she waving to Ryder.

He smiled and nodded, " Don't worry your secret will always be protected. Call me whenever you need a ear, I'll surely be there for you. "

She smiled and nodded, " I'll hold you on to that promise."


Old White mansion, late evening:

Erick sent most of his workers to search for Mel. He glared at the maids sent along with Mel.

" How is it that you women are safe, while my little girl is stuck there, all alone?" he roared, scaring them out of their wits.

" I'm sorry that I got lost, grandpa Rick. It's not their mistake, it's kinda mine and I apologize. " Mel entered the hall.

Erick calmed down the instant he heard her, " Are you alright? Where were you? Are you hurt? " he shouted questions as he hugged her tightly.

" I'm okay. I just got lost and the syn- I mean mountain people took good care of me and Skylar found me. " she corrected herself, as she was about to blurt out about the syndicate.

Skylar entered and nodded at Erick as a greeting.


Dining hall:

" When did this brat get home? " he asked Mel, as they ate their dinner.

" Just this afternoon old man, thanks for your concern. " Skylar sneered and gobbled up the food on the table.

Erick glared at him and turned towards Mel, " So have you decided on any other course, or are you going with what you chose earlier? "

She scoffed, " What's wrong with journalism? And I'm going to London for it, no changes in my plan."

He chuckled and nodded, giving in, " Ok, whatever you want. "

Skylar looked at both of them and continued to eat his food, ' Well, it's been days that I ate real food, why worry about other stuff? '

" So, when are you leaving? " Erick asked, ignoring his grandson who acted like he hasn't had food for years now.

" A few days after Spencer's birthday. "


Old White mansion, night:

Mel packed her clothes as she was about to leave for her courses.

She packed all the stuff and she found Deetra's diary lying inside her table's locker.

She sat down with the diary and tried to sneak through, anyhow.

She shook the book tremendously trying to get a page or two, but all the effort was in vain.

" What is that? " Erick asked from behind her.

She jumped up and the diary fell off her hand and slid under her table.

" You scared me." She sighed as he laughed.

" Take this with you. " he handed an envelope. " If you don't I'll not let you go at all. You decide. "he added.

She smiled and opened it, just to find a sleek black credit card and another blue card.

" What's with two of em'? " She asked as she put them back into the envelope.

" One is from me and the other, the blue one is your dad's savings for you. He had it in his bank for your 18th birthday," he explained.

She smiled, bitterly thinking about her dad. She had spent very little time with him to even think of memories, he was very busy with his work, and she in her own world, but she couldn't deny their close bond.

Her mom, well, she had been nothing but sorry towards her mom. The guilt never left her, never...

Her tears had long dried up and now all that she had left was Erick, the White family, and Bren, she really cared about.

" Thanks, " she managed to say and hugged Erick. " What would I've done if not for you, grandpa Rick. Thank you, for everything, thank you. "

" Don't thank me a lot, I had a few selfish motives too." he chuckled and wiped the tear, which threatened to fall.

" I wish I had met Deetra, right now, really do. " she groaned and sat down to pack again.

" I wish you guys met, too. "


The next morning, White mansion:

Mel was busy taunting Skylar with her newly earned secret.

" So, Scarlet likes the bad boy type, nice..." she acted like she was wondering.

Erick looked at the mischievous Mel and the dead angry Skylar, " Which Scarlet, the Linale girl? "

Mel nodded enthusiastically, " Of course it's her. She is really good. She's an intern in the White fashion line, right? " she asked Skylar.

He nodded, subconsciously and realized what he did, gulping in he acted as if he hadn't responded to her at all. She chuckled.

" So, are you a bad boy Skylar? " Erick asked, as he observed his grandchildren.

" Of course. " she said; " Of course not," he answered and glared at her.

Erick chuckled," There's my answer brat. Do you think I will trust you? "

Skylar glared at Mel and looked at Erick helplessly.

" Well, it's not like he could look so helpless and be saved by a girl..." She blurted out and shut her mouth as Skylar burst into laughter.

" Burn, old man! " Skylar grimaced.

Erick looked at her, betrayed, " I thought you were with me in this. "

She smiled awkwardly, " I never said that. "

" Humph, I could never trust these two brats and now, my granddaughter. Only that guy is left, let's see."


Night, Old White mansion:

Mel sat on her window and was busy seeing the quiet clouds, cool breeze, indigo and purple shaded sky.

She was about to get out and ask permission to go spend some time outside, with her birthday as an excuse, just then there was a low knock on her door and Brenden entered.

" Missed me? " he asked and smiled.

She gleefully ran to him and hugged him, it had been months since they saw each other or had any contact." You're back? "

" Why? Did you want me to stay there, all alone? " he asked, frowning. ' Why the hell am I sad? Ok, I was taken aback a while ago but, now I'm all good to go. '

" No, not like that but... " she shook her head and something struck her...' Why did they even stop talking, yeah... the kiss, ok, the accident...'

' How much longer are you going to lie to yourself, darling? ' her subconscious asked, her hands folded and with round glasses- to look stern.

Mel ignored her and moved away from Brenden, a little. He noticed the distance and smiled bitterly.

" So, what are you gonna do now? " he asked, and looked around the room to avoid making her feel awkward.

" Well, I just wanted to go out, if it's fine? " she asked, unsure.

He thought for a while and gave a smirk, " Are you sure you wanna go ask permission or wanna break a few rules, have some fun and be back before you get caught? "

She smiled widely at the thought, " Well, I guess the latter would do, let's go. "

" Sure. " he smiled with her and pulled her to the other room.

She looked at him quizzically, " Is there something you want here? "

He chuckled, " Use that tiny brain of yours and think, would you call it escaping if anybody knew, including the maids? "

' Small brain? '

She smiled apologetically but kicked him on his shin, " You didn't mean it right? "

" Of course, not. Now, are you coming? "


They jumped off the window and ran towards a jet-black car. Getting in, they drove away into the city.

Mel laughed the entire time, " I never knew that we could escape from that window. That was epic!!! "

Brenden smiled looking at her, all carefree and lively, after years. After 2 years to be specific.

" So, where are we going now? " she asked as he drove.

" Well, I wanted to feed you first, so I'll take you to my... " he was searching for a perfect word.

" Hide-out? " she finished and looked at him.

He chuckled and nodded, " Precisely. "

" Okay! Hide-out here we come!!! "


Is he gonna tell me something?

Maybe tell me about himself, perhaps?

Or... is he gonna confess something?Something terrible?