Chapter 3

"Annyeong-haseyo." I practiced in front of my mirror.

I sighed and arranged my bangs. It's been a week since I accepted the mission and this is the day I'll be going to South Korea.

I picked up my luggage and went outside the room. When I'm already outside, I saw Aika smiling at me.

"Good luck, although I know you can do it."

I just cracked a half smile.

"You know who's your partner for this mission?" She grinned.

I looked at her and raise one of my eyebrows.

She looked at my back. I turned around and I frowned when I saw Daisuke.

"You?!" I asked, irritated.

He just smirked.

"Hangug-o malhagi yeonsub haessni?"(Did you practiced speaking Korean?). He asked me teasingly.

"Ne, babo-ya." (Yes, Idiot.) I answered.

I really hate his audacity to tease me. I'm far greater than him in many aspects. I can even break his bones in a matter of second.

Well, he hates me because I am a girl. Up until now, there's someone in the universe that sees sex unequally.

He is always like that even when we were children.

Flashback (20 years ago)

"This is Nakano. She will be trained the same as all of you." An adult man introduced me to the kids at the ground.

They all looked at me coldly. Looks like all of them were trained to be murderer as well, like those bad guys who went to our house.

"But, Tatsuya, she's new, and you will train her with us who practiced martial arts throughout the years?" A boy who is the same old as me asked.

"She has an exceptional skill, Daisuke, but she needs more training." The man who brought me here answered, who happened to be named Tatsuya.

"Psh. Exceptional skill, my ass." He brooded and in a couple of seconds, he attacked me.

I thought I can defeat him but he is darn fast. The next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground.

"See, Tatsuya? She's not even greater than me." He taunted. Then he looked at my eyes. "Yowai."(Weak.)

"Stop it, Daisuke. Go back to your training." Tatsuya said. They immediately obeyed.

I got up and I looked down.

"What are you waiting for? Train with them and don't be weak." Tatsuya said and went outside.

I blinked a couple of times. The children were fighting now through martial arts.

I was just standing there until someone kicked my back. I looked at the kid and I saw Daisuke again.

"Scared, baby girl?" He said annoyingly.

He was about to do some tricks on me when suddenly someone showed up and locked him up.

The girl who saved me is now fighting with the boy named Daisuke. Their move was so fast. I'm amazed, astonished.

Then moments later, Daisuke is now lying in the ground.

"Stop it, Daisuke." The girl said.

Daisuke hissed while getting up. He looked at me and went back to other kid.

The girl went to me and helped me to stand up.

"Thank you." I said genuinely. "What's your name?"

She looked at me without emotion. "My name's Aika but don't talk like we are friends." She gazed at me from head to toe. "I did not save you so don't thank me. I only fought with Daisuke because he's an idiot." She sneered. "You're older than me but you're weaker." She rolled her eyes and went to fighting again.

Days passed and it's really getting harder. There are times that I just want to kill myself. But when Aika caught me, she bruised me. She said that my mother and father sacrificed their lives to let me live, and it's a complete idiot move to kill myself.

Today, I'm lying on my bed, crying again. My back aches and I feel like my body can't move. I miss my mom and my dad. I always cry like this, thinking that crying can make them comeback.

I saw a knife on my table and there's something in me that I want to use it to stab myself.

I blinked rapidly and before I could make a move to kill myself again, I went outside.

There I saw Tatsuya on the hallway.

"You're crying again, Nakano." He said.

I wiped my tears and keep walking.

"Your mom and dad were my great friends. I admire them for choosing the right side." I looked at him when he said that. "Too bad they left a weakling kid. I think their efforts throughout the years will be gone to nothing."

He shook his head and started walking outside.

"Teach me then." I said.

He looked at my direction. "You sure?" He walked towards me. "It will be a very deadly training, kid."

I nodded. "I'm all in."

That's the least I can do to my parents for sacrificing their lives for me, I guess.

Months passed and I almost regret for agreeing with this.

"You think you are skilled just you killed 3 people on your home? You killed them because they got easy on you, kid." Tatsuya taunted me again during one of our trainings.

Everyday feels like hell. I trained in the morning together with kids and classes during afternoon. Then when night comes, Tatsuya will train me ten times harder.

I almost curse when I wake up in the morning. Thinking that I will go through this whole day again with that routine.

But as the time goes by, I got stronger so as my urge. Tatsuya explained everything to me and the plan they have together with my mother and father.

"Tatsuya, if you are currently the Wakagashira of the Oyabun, why don't you kill him?" I asked one night.

"If I kill the Oyabun now, that will not do. There are other members of the Sairento hanzai-sha that are living and as evil as him and if they will know who killed him, I will be kicked out from my position and my move will turn out nothing. One way to kill them is when they all gather around."

"But-" He cut me off.

"Because if I kill them one by one, it will be a very drastic move and again, they will eventually know and kick me out." He sighed. "And one way for them to gather again is when a new Wakagashira is hailed."

"Then why didn't you kill him when you were claimed as the new Wakagashira?" I asked again.

"Because our plan with your parents were still on the make that time. I also regret for not killing him immediately." He said.

One day, while I was walking on the hallway after my afternoon classes, I heard two people talking in a very private place. I should know that as that's the place where I and Tatsuya always talk.

Tatsuya and I don't show anyone that we are close. Same as what they did with my mother and father. He said that they needed that because if one of them get caught, the plan can still go on because they will not suspect the other, well except for mom and dad since they are known to be husband and wife.

I hid behind the wall and started eavesdropping.

"Papá, no quiero pelear." The voice of Aika spoke.

Wait, they are speaking different language. They are speaking Spanish. Some kids don't know that yet because we are currently studying Thai but I self-studied Spanish.

"Papá, no quiero pelear por favor."(Dad, I don't want to fight please.) Aika repeated.

"No puedes vivir una vida normal, Aika." (You can't live a normal life, Aika.)

Wait, I know that voice, is that...


I sneak at them and my eyes widen when Aika and Tatsuya are talking.

Tatsuya looked at my direction and our eyes met.

He nodded and gestured me to come.

I slowly walked towards them and Aika was shock.

"It's okay, she's one of us." Tatsuya calmed Aika down.

"Nakano, Aika wa watashi no musumedesu."

I was shocked. He introduced Aika to me as his...daughter.

Years go by after that big revelation and through the years, I started to be more skilled when it comes to fighting.

"Oneesan, here's your patch." Aika handed me a patch on our bedroom.

Aika, who were a rude bitch to me became my friend here. Although we never spoke that we're friends, but I treat her like one.

"Let's get outside, it's time for our morning training." Aika said.

I groaned and forced myself to get up even my back hurts like hell.

"What weapon did you learn last night?"

"Chigiriki." I answered.

"Why don't you learn Katana again?" She asked.

I did not answer.

Katana is a very special weapon to me. That's the weapon my mother and father used during the fight with Hirohito.

And if I will use Katana again, this time it's going to be Hirohito's head.

"What weapon we will be learning this time?" I asked instead.

"Yumi." Aika answered happily.

I rolled my eyes. Aika is really great at using Yumi. She's the master of long-range fight.

We started our training and as usual when it comes to Yumi, Aika got the best score.

"Great, but you suck at close-range though." I mocked her.

She just rolled her eyes.

We were about to attend our afternoon classes when Daisuke called us.

"You were just great at Yumi, Aika. You're not even close to my skills during close-range fight." He said.

I turned around. "Atleast she's good at something, Daisuke." We fought like we were still kids even though we are 19 years old. "Unlike you." I taunted him.

His face darkened and was about to punch me when I held his fist and turned him around, locking him up.

"You only defeated me once, and that was years ago." I whispered behind his nape. "You can never touch me again."

I smirked and turned around.

Flashforward (Present)

"Anata wa ima ikimasu, futari." (You go now, the two of you.) Aika said. "You will miss your flight if you keep slacking like that."

I started walking and so as Daisuke.

Argh, I hate this. I hope I can stop myself from killing this douchebag during our mission.

Author's Note: Hi! I hope someone will read it. Hehe.