Chapter 8

"Why would I? I need to kill you now." I said.

He looked at me. A soft smile appeared on his lips.

"You can kill me anytime, but the thing that I'll show you will vanish if you keep being impatient.

"Besides, you are Tatsuya's mentee, I'm pretty sure he taught you something." He said.

I perplexed on his words.

Yes, I know Tatsuya has that type of virtue. He is very patient but proactive. The thing that shocked me is he knows Tatsuya is my mentor. He knows my trainings.

Does that mean he knows our plan?

He sighed, possibly noticing my surprise.

"Just come with me, before time runs out." He said and walked again.

He knows something, and I need to find out if he is an ally or not.

I followed him.

While we were walking across the room, I always look around and still amazed by how great the laboratory is. It's truly ahead of its time, I've never seen a place like this.

He suddenly stopped and input a password on a transparent keyboard. The doors opened and there are bunch of computer monitors inside.

I looked at it and noticed that those were databases! There are from the governments, and even the smallest, most private details were displayed here.

"Are you a hacker or what?" I asked, still amazed.

He smirked.

"Wait till you see this." I looked at him while he is typing something.

The data appeared and my eyes couldn't believe what I'm seeing.

It's the database from Sairento hanzai-sha.

The files of Sairento hanzai-sha were very highly secured. No one ever hacked it, because they were perfectly engineered by the founders.

"These files will destroy the Sairento hanzai-sha in a snap. Their murder files, their illegal transactions were documented here. Once sent to the government, their group will vanish." He said while looking at the monitor. I walked beside him.

"These data were very hard to get, how did you do it?" I asked.

He glanced at me and looked back at the monitor.

"The division took years to establish, and also years of hacking." He said.

"Then send it to the officials, now." I said, getting excited.

Did I just spend years of hell wasting my life when there's an easy way?

He looked at me, as if scanning my face. "You seem different as what I thought you are." He sighed and faced his torso unto me now. "Hirohito is a smart ass, he can get away with it if we just simply send these files to the government.

"He will manipulate everything and the history will repeat itself."

My eyebrows met at what he said, repeat itself? Did that happen before?

"That's how your mom and dad died." He said.

My mouth tight shut.

"...your mom and dad had been planning all those years to end the Sairento hanzai-sha. We were working all throughout the years. What you've suggested earlier was our original plan, because we don't like killing and wasting anymore lives, we just want to send them in prison, even if it means to destroy our relationship with Hirohito."

"Relationship?" I asked, I never thought Hirohito has 'relation' with my parents.

"We were his great warriors back then. Your mom is for assassins and spying, your dad is for planning and assessing your mom in fights, Tatsuya is Hirohito's side kick and I'm assigned for intelligence." He said looking back at the monitor as if remembering the old times.

"Sairento hanzai-sha were never like that before. Yes, we kill but that's because the government ordered us to do so. We were paid by them to spy or do the works they cannot do freely. It was pretty decent back then, but suddenly, Hirohito declared that we will engage in underground dirty works as there were more money than being allied by the government."

Yes, the Sairento hanzai-sha still accepts the government's missions up until this day, but that's just for facade, for the division to not be "illegal".

"That's when our relationship for Hirohito went downhill, we cannot complain because he kills everyone who wants to complain about his plan. He became very obsessive of money and power that even us, who became friends with him relinquished from his side.

"We planned on what should we do. I quit the division even when they were targeting me now to focus on hacking their database, because we know, that's the only way we can turn the group down without wasting too much blood.

"Ten years later, I already got everything we need, but we have to have a front, a front who can sacrifice himself if everything went wrong so others cannot be suspected."

"So mom and dad became your front?" I cut him off.

He looked at me and sighed. He turned his head down as if regretting everything he made in his life.

"We were so confident of our plan, especially your mom." He lift his head up and look at me. "She's always like that, optimistic and hoping." A hint of smile appears on his lips.

He took a step forward and still continue of his talking.

"Your mom always trusted me that's why she decided to be our front, which in turn, your dad is a front as well. I've always doubted myself and the two of them stood up to encourage me. Tatsuya warned us that it will be too risky but they shrug it off. They said that great days would come after this, so why bother hesitating?" He smirked. "Those were the old times, the time when we were not afraid to die. The time when we think we can change everything.

"But we were wrong, the things were carried out exactly as planned but Hirohito succeeded. We don't know that he has big connections with the government and all people in Sairento hanzai-sha were on his side. It's now too late to realize that it's not only Hirohito we should be turning down, it's the entire division. That it's too late to save the division we used to feel home." He sighed and was silent for a while.

I keep quiet and began to think how reckless my mom and dad were. Suddenly, a feel of hatred towards my parents started emerging.

How can they be like this? I'm just only 8 when they did that and they did not think of how my life will be if they die? They only care for their stupid friend! They only care about their jobs and their missions, not me! Why they did have me in the first place?

But then, the memories of people pleading unto me to be alive and still assassinated came to my mind. Their cries, their groans and their last words before they died. I still killed them without even having a remorse after that.

I became a monster for the past 20 years of my life.

I should just give up this mission and quit the division.

But I know, I'm not the only assassin in this world. If I'll quit now, the killings will still go on and Hirohito will still be in his throne.

Nothing changed, and I hate that.

I can't stand the deaths anymore, I can't stand injustice in this world.

Maybe that's what my mom and dad thought, but they failed.

And the image of them dying by the vision of a brighter day for us is shattering my heart into pieces. They only want to work and use their skills, not kill people who were innocent.

I sighed and remember what Tatsuya taught me.

"People need to make sacrifices, we just happen to be one of those people, but as a human, there are times that we were wondering why we have to suffer for everyone? We thought it's unfair, and feel betrayed by life. But since we chose to listen to the our soul and the soul is telling us to fight for others to live, then that's where sacrifices emerge to make changes happen, because we chose to make changes."

My mom and dad chose to listen to their soul. They chose to listen the voice that's always telling them that something needs changes, and they chose to make the changes.

Tatsuya never failed to remind me of the reason for this revenge is. The vision that emerged from the voice and deep rooted to this day. This vision will not be silenced unless there's changes, because this vision comes from the notion of 'killing is forbidden. By the law of the people, and by the law of all higher power a person believes in.' A notion that all of us know and been taught to us since we were child.

And our inner child will always be inside of us, even when we reached to a point where we can't walk anymore. Because that inner child knows what is right and what is wrong, that inner child is always full of hope, enthusiasm and energy.

I sighed.

Tatsuya is really a dumbass.