
Blyx's P.O.V

"Why did you save me?" she hissed. We're inside my room. She just suddenly barged in.

"I did what I thought was right." I deadpanned.

"Did you do that when you were still really alive?" I gasped.

"You basically wanted me then to be raped! That old man, and even you!" she pointed at me. She still wore the jacket I gave her.

"Yes, then. But now is different. I will prove it to you that I am serious about that apology." I stood up and fixed my bed hair. I were sleeping!

"Oh, really?" she captured my lips before I could even move an inch. I want to attack her now but my conscience said not to. When she pulled apart, she seemed shock.

"You.. didn't do anything." her expressions softened. But then, it was back again. Her angry self.

"But that basically didn't mean that you're forgiven. You've done a lot already. You fucking ruined my life! You ruined it before you even thought you could! I just wish you would die again!" she suddenly stormed off. That left a hole in my heart.

She knows where she's going because she's been here multiple times doing this and that to me because I forced her to. She even have a personal driver up until now. The date from when I died haven't came yet. And I think when that time comes, that will also be my other end of the line. I only have two months left.

I went to school feeling alive and energetic which I don't know how I got it. I was actually lacking of sleep and energy since I didn't eat. But, man was I wrong! I searched for Carly and gladly found her at the library reading. Her clothes was new so I guess she went home yesterday. I slid beside her and also grabbed a book.

"Hey!" I shout-whispered. She gave me a glare but I just giggled at it.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she suddenly shouted which kicked us out already. I was still chuckling while she was cursing.

"That was the freaking first time I disobeyed and got kicked out! Freaking school!" she kicked some pebble and it flew.

"Easy now tiger! Come! I have a better place for us to read in silence!" before she could even argue, I pulled her wrist gently so that no harm is done. She wasn't even resisting!

I took her at the back of the school where there is a 'no trespassing' sign. She stopped for a bit which made me stop.


"Are you planning on really raping me this time?" she hissed. I chuckled which earned me a confusing glare.

"Did I rape you yesterday? No. In fact, I rescued you from one. So please? Just this once and if I ever screw this, which I won't, then I won't bother you again." I stubbornly said but with politeness in it.

"Fine." she stomped her feet along the way. When we were nearing the place that I once called paradise, her stomping stopped and began to look around.

Once the trees were out of the sight, one huge river with a waterfall. It was actually a fifteen minute walk from school. The water is glistening from the sun's ray which made it more like silver river. The breeze was nice to our feels. The waterfall's sounds were soothing with the quietness all over us. There also stood a big tree with a tree house, which I built by myself.

"Wow..." was all she said.

"If you want me to keep my distance, then I will very much do so without any hesitation." I walked out and leaned on the trunk of the tree.

I began to take a small nap since I was hell'a tired! But before I could close my eyes, I can see her smiling at the sight of the waterfall. A small smile crept to my face as I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up suddenly to witness her unclothing. I blushed as I see her body, her perfect body that I almost dirtied. I felt my gut being punched as I remembered. She dove into the water and made a quiet sound. I simply were frozen at the sight of her body and she's now shining! Man! My hormones are killing me right now! After a few minutes, she exited the river and was smiling. She even smiled at me. Man! Now I remember why I did all of those stuffs! I gulped as I examined her body. Oh shit! Holy motherfucker! I climbed the tree house and got her a towel. I hurriedly brought it to her with a smile on my face.

"I thought you wouldn't even dare step a single step inside my circle." she mocked.

"Yeah, well... I did say those but your needs are my priorities. So yeah. Here, before you catch any cold." she gently grabbed the towel. I turned my back at her to not be more hormonal. I sigh in relief but a sudden hitch came when she hugged me with her oh so wet sexy body. I gulped.

"I know you want me." she seductively said. Goodness gracious! This girl is killing me! But, I know that she wants to prove herself right that I haven't changed. Erase! Erase! Control! Damn it!

"Just say 'please' and I can give you what you want." I gulped again when she turned me around and faced me.

"C-Carly..." my throat so dry that I think the Camels can live there already! She smiled even more upon hearing my response.

"You want to touch me, right?" she whispered in my ear. Just how far is she going?! I just have to stay calm. BUT, DAMN IT! This girl has other plans! She wrapped her arms around my neck. I cursed again.

"You want to violate me---" I gave her a kiss. A kiss that I wanted to do every time she's in danger. A kiss on the forehead. She shushed and looked at me.

"As much as I do, I can't. I have extra clothes in the tree house, you can change there. I promise I won't look. I'm stubborn." a grin in my face appeared as she was shocked.

A kiss on the forehead means that person is very important to you. Willing to risk your life for that person just to make them happy. She slowly unwrapped her arms around my neck and headed to the tree house. While she changed, I remember how I longed for her every night even when I am with someone else. I closed my eyes as my past disgusts me.

"Sooo....?" a voice suddenly said in my head.

"So nothing. I know she's still alarmed and she's constantly testing me."

"Was it hard?" she teased in my head,

"OF COURSE! She's the love of my life that keeps on teasing just a while ago!"

"Sheesh! Just be easy and make your actions obvious, not that you're not really that obvious." she laughed.

"If I were really that obvious, why hasn't she sensed that I love her?"

"Maybe because you almost raped her a lot of times, and then the list goes on." oh, yeah.

"... Yeah.."

"Here she comes." she said. As I felt someone rest at my side and leaned her head. There's only one person here with me so I know. I slowly opened my eyes as she was there looking at me. I gulped. PLEASE, NOT ANOTHER TEASE!

"What is your motive, Blyx?" she asks all serious.

"I really want to say sorry, Carly. Believe me or not, I am gonna prove it every single day I have left!" a sad smile crept on my face.

"Why was I the only one to remember you being dead?" she said it like it was some burden which actually hurts me a lot.

"It's because you're the sole reason why they made me come back." I simply stated.

"So.. you wouldn't have done anything if you weren't dead?" anger was filled in her voice but she's trying to tone it down, I know.

"You know... you never got to know me well." I said as I stood up.

"What do you mean?" she asks as she did the same.

"If you only knew Carly. If you only knew." I said which she smack me.

"OW! Hey!" she crossed her arms.

"I already asked! Come on! Tell me!" she said. I chuckled.

"You're cute! If only you knew how beautiful and cute you are.." I didn't want to finish.

"Then what?" she asks as her eyes sparkled.

"Nothing else. Just that. Let's go? Your mother must be worried sick." I said. She sighs then nod.

On our way to her house, I remembered that we ditched school. WOW. We DITCHED school! Carly came with me! Well, today was gonna be a self-study anyways so what the heck? Carly said she'd bring me an iced coffee. I politely accepted the offer. Once I was inside, I saw her mother at the couch watching the small tv.

"Hey, Auntie!" I happily greeted. Her mother really has weakened but still beautiful.

"Hello, dear. How have you been?" she says a little longer. I smiled.

"I'm good! I see you're also healthy and beautiful!" I exclaimed. I was not joking about the beautiful part. Carly actually had her looks from her Mom's.

"Oh, dear. Save those compliments to my daughter. I'm sure she'll be happy." she said as she pushed the blaming to Carly.

"Who'll be happy, Mom?" she asks as she handed me my iced coffee. She gave her mother a milk.

"She said she'll be happy if she sees us wed!" I joked. I was exceptionally close to her mother even though I hated her father. She smacked me.

"I'd really do love that." I was taken aback. Was she crazy? Letting her daughter marry a ghost?! Oh, I forgot she doesn't know.

"Ehem.... So..." what were we even gonna talk about?

"I should really get some sleep." her mother weakly said.

"I shall escort you Auntie." she smiles. After I escorted her, I took a seat at the seat I sat before.

"You know, you can always force me." I didn't move. What was she saying?

"I want to see my mother smile again. Even if I don't want to marry you, I will if you still want me. I'd be willing to let go of my freedom for the happiness of my mother."

If I can make use of my remaining days with her then I'd be glad to. But, it'd be hard. I would suffer everyday. On the other hand, the longer she stays with me, the greater her hate would build up then I would be happy if I'd be gone since there'd be no peasant in her life anymore. She also said it was for her mother's.

"Sure!" she gulped then nodded.

"But, can I ask you one thing?"


"Do you want your mother to live longer?"

"What kind of question is that?" she angrily hissed. Oh, boy.

"Just.. please, answer?" she sighed and ran a hand through her hair. Beautiful.

"Yes, of course. But we don't have any money. The doctor said that there's a pretty good chance that she'll live." I'm really gonna do this.

"I'll pay." she lets go of her cup unintentionally. Thank goodness I have fast reflexes!

"Y-you don't ha--"

"I want to. If we're gonna be dating, you gotta be ready to accept everything I have to give." she gasped.

"Are you... serious?" I nodded.

If I was gonna die then at least I want her mother to live. I already took his father's life away. This is the least that I can do. Baby, I'll let you hate me more than you hate me before.

She suddenly hugged me and muttered a 'thank you' then kissed me. I lost control and some tears escaped. I'm gonna have a hard time leaving this beautiful creature before me. When she noticed, she broke the kiss and looked at me wide eyed.

"Are you... okay?" I shook my head and wiped my tears away. Good thing also that she didn't actually see my tears. Just me wiping them away.

"Be prepared for what I want, Carly." she have this determined look that hurts me so much.

We went to the hospital and we're gonna have the surgery as fast as possible. I also convinced them to live with me. They were hesitant but I was stubborn so they agreed. We have separate rooms, they said that them being in one room is just enough. I nodded.