
Third Person's P.O.V

Blyx woke up rather early and cooked breakfast. Like, 5am early. She was exceptionally energized. She was beginning to doubt that she's gonna die tonight. What comes around, goes around. She cooked sunny side up eggs, bacon, pancakes with blue berry syrup and fresh milk. She even had the table setted up. She smiled to herself. This is so deviate of me but I know that If I really did marry Carly, this will be everyday. She glanced at her wall clock and it was time for them to wake up. She smiled as she saw her princess still half-asleep. Her hair a little messy but still beautiful. Carmen came in without the baby. They both took a seat and didn't pay attention to Blyx but she just didn't care. When they took a bite of Blyx's home made pancakes, their eyes widened.

"Whoa! Mom! Since when did you cook this deleciously?!"

Blyx chuckled and said a silent 'thank you'. Even Carmen's face was epic. She also has the same shock expression as her daughter. When they saw that their expression were the same, they turned to look at Blyx who was giggling quite cutely which made Carly thought CUTE.

"Good morning."

Blyx smiled and started to join them eating. She was surprised too because she was expecting it to be bland again. I have my taste back! She exclaimed silently. She ignored the two ladies who are still wide eyed about the thought of Blyx cooked a very delecious meal.

"Your foods are gonna get cold."

The two exchanged looks and started eating. It was so delicious they asked for seconds. Blyx only chuckles at the two. I can spoil them all I want today. Just to make sure. After they were done eating, Carmen volunteered to do the dishes. She wanted her daughter and daughter-in-law to spend some time with the little baby boy. Both of them went to the little baby boy a little too excited. Blyx gently carried the baby in her arms supporting its head. Carly blushed and can't help but think about the future. She's gonna carry my baby. The sight of her carrying a baby makes me.... warm. When Carly snapped out of her thoughts, she saw Blyx crying while looking at the baby. Carly, being kind and a loving girl, asked what's wrong.

"Is... everything okay, Blyx?"

Blyx let the tears amok. She didn't care anymore. The most she can do today is let everything go.

"This baby... is just so... beautiful. I'd like to have one myself... with you someday."

Blyx cried again. Even though it was the second time Carly saw Blyx cried, she still wasn't used to it. It was a painful yet beautiful sight to see. Blyx smiled again. What Carly didn't know was that the smile Blyx just let go, is a sad one. The one thing I can't have is a complete family. Blyx thought so sadly.

"Hey... hey baby... I'm Blyx. Shhh... it's okay."

Blyx rocked back and forth to soothe the baby that almost cried. Blyx's tears still streaming down. Carmen, who was washing the dishes, heard every thought that Blyx said to herself. Carmen cried while washing the dishes. Blyx.... you've suffered so much already. Just let it go. I'm gonna tell that boy that you're his heroic mother. Carmen cried silently. A family, a complete family that she didn't have. Carmen still kept thinking about it until the last dishes she washed. As she wiped her hands, she wiped her tears and looked at the mirror. She entered the room where the two is and instantly, her eyes started to tear up.

"Mom, is everything alright? You and Blyx just cried too."

Carly's suspicions were rising. What is wrong with these two?

"The sight of Blyx and you looking like a married couple... warmed my heart."

Carmen lied again. I have to act... I have to act like nothing's gonna happen... Blyx thought which made Carmen cry even more. Carly instantly hugged her weeping mother.

"I want to have grand babies! Lots of them!"

Carmen lied again. Lying to her daughter was so hard but it was worth it. I respect Blyx's decision. When they were done crying, they decided to go to the garden and decided to spend some time there. On their way there, Blyx slipped out and grabbed some water guns. After they found a good place to sit down, Blyx hid the others and popped out aiming her water gun to Carly.

"Oh, no you won't dare!"

Carly's warning was of no use since she was already being shoot at without any stop.

"Wahhhh! I'm gonna get you for that, Blyx! Damn! The water's cold!"

Carly's whimper and complaints didn't reach Blyx's ears and still continued. They ran around, laughing, well, Blyx was the only laughing between the two. Carmen watched as her children having a good time making every second remember. She turned to look at Prince. The little baby. The two already agreed on the baby's name but they don't know the reason.

"You know, both your mothers are like queens in their own ways. A heroic queen who sacrificed herself to protect your other mother. Your other mother is another queen because she cares for everyone too much. She decides everything with every right thing but often makes mistakes when it comes to your heroic mother. I gave you the name of Prince, because I truly see you as a son of two beautiful Queens."


She turned around and got splurted with cold water by none other than Blyx herself. She was grinning. She stuck her tongue out and ran away. Carmen looked at herself then turned to little Prince with a wicked smile. The little baby only looks at them, not knowing anything.

"I'm gonna kick your heroic mother's butt. Don't cry."

As Carmen ran away, the little baby smiled. He was actually having fun with their laughing faces. The three of them played the game. Blyx was the only one who wasn't wet because she was the only one with the gun. But her smile instantly fell when Carly found the guns behind some tree.


"Uh-oh it is!"

Blyx ran like her life depended on it. She kept on complaining when the two of them were teaming up to destroy Blyx. She keeps muttering that it wasn't fair. After they squirted Blyx with a lot of water, they started squirting at each other. They were all laughing and chasing each other. When lunch came, Carly decided to cook, thinking that she doesn't want to look like a girl who can't be a housewife. As soon as Carly was gone, Blyx started to look around.

"What are you searching for?"

"A paper and a pen."

"What for?"

Blyx smiled and looked at the sky then to little Prince.

"I'm gonna write my vow to her. If she wants to accept my vow that is. If ever she wants to say yes to my piece of paper then, I'd be smiling wherever I am. Please, can you give this to your beautiful daughter after I really will die tonight?"

Carmen always thought that Blyx was a very thoughtful and loving woman, but she didn't know she'd go this far. Heck she was even surprised when she died trying to protect her daughter. Her eyes started to pool again, but before they could fall, she wiped them away. Blyx only smiled sadly.

"Of course, dear. I always keep a napkin under baby Prince. And a pencil to write something before I totally forgot."

She carried baby Prince gently and supported his head. Blyx gently rummaged under his comfortable cradle. She smiled upon seeing napkins all over and a pencil. She sat down on the chair and leaned her elbows on the glass table and started writing. Carmen put baby Prince back down and started feeding him in a bottle. As Blyx started to write, Carmen couldn't help but cry as she heard Blyx's every thought. Blyx just didn't wrote one, but two letters. Carmen came back seeing her mother crying while feeding the baby. And Blyx, who seemed to be drawing something.

"Hey, something the matter?"

She approached her mother first and wiped away her tears. Such a sweet kid. Carmen thought and directed it at both of them.

"I just... missed you being a little toddler."

This time, Carly believed her mother. She knows how sensitive her mother can be when it comes to her childhood.

"It's okay. Well, do you want to eat now?"

She looked at her mother first and turned at Blyx who was smiling at her and nodding. She turned to her mom who even cried harder when baby Prince just finished his bottle. I miss her already. I hope she'll take care of baby Prince. Blyx thought which again, Carmen heard.

"Let's eat!"

Carmen wiped away her tears and tried to look happy again. They ate while telling jokes, lame stories but they would always laugh at the end, and lame puns. They put the disposable paper plate in the trash bin and decided to take pictures. Blyx was actually a great photographer. She's basically good at everything, except confessing. After they took about enough, Carmen decided to take a nap alongside with baby Prince on the grass while baby Prince has his cradle. The other two only laid. Carly, using Blyx's arm as head support, while enjoying their time together. This was the day that Blyx died before... but she's gonna die today. I won't let it. I won't let her be away from my sight. Carly smiled at the thought. Blyx on the other hand is forcing her mind to remember this moment forever.



"Let's play the game "Five Questions each"."

Carly chuckled. She knows that Blyx already knew all about her but she's not the same. She doesn't know anything about her. She took this time to know five things about Blyx. I can at least do this one step at a time.

"Okay, I'll go first."

Carly started and thought about a good question.

"What do you like about me?"

Her own question made her blush. Blyx just looks at her like she's crazy.

"I don't like you. I love you. Plus, you're kind, adorable, quite the attitude changer too. Not to mention your big round eyes, your cute side and beautiful face. I simply love everything about you, Carly."

Carly was at a loss of words. She couldn't help but fall more. I'm beginning to think that she's ready to die for me.

"My turn."

Blyx smiled and looks at the blue sky.

"Do you hate me?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"Just answer, smarty-pants."

Blyx's voice hitched. She almost forgot to breathe when Carly didn't answer instantly.

"I... don't."

Blyx heaved a sigh and was feeling happy. She doesn't hate me! Yes! Blyx mentally celebrated.

"Okay so... have you ever loved someone else?"

What's with me and my lovesick questions? Carly hissed at herself. But Blyx's answer made her smile.

"I haven't. You're the first and the last. That's a promise."

Carly blushed again. A promise? This age? So early!

"So... hmm... have you had sex with other people?"

Carly smacked Blyx's arm lightly which earned her a chuckle.

"Mom is here!"

"She's asleep so answer me now!"

"You're the..... first one to really... touch me."

"Good to know... so, did I satisfy you?"

"Y-yes. Wait! That's three!"

"Yeah yeah. Ask me."

Blyx moved and faced Carly. She wrapped her free arm on Carly's hips. Blyx was staring at Carly. Carly being shy, turned red and didn't look.

"Is your fave color black?"

Stupid question. Carly mentally slapped herself. Blyx only laughed.

"Yes. Yes, it is."

"So... hmmm... when do you always meet your parents?"

Blyx didn't answer instantly and stared into space. Carly thought that something was wrong so she was gonna disregard the question when Blyx smiled.

"I haven't... met them."


"Next question?"

"I uh... isn't it already your turn?"

Blyx shrugged and stared back at Carly who was still avoiding her gaze.

"I'm just gonna tell you everything I want you to know."

"That sounds cool. Speak away. I'm all ears."

"I love holding you like this. I love smelling your hair. I love waking up with you right beside me. I love making you happy. I love to think that somehow you'd love me back but always gets hurt after since I know that won't happen."

Carly wanted to say she loves her too but she's afraid. She's afraid that once she told her this, she'll disappear like what Blyx said when Blyx first confessed. Carly kept her thought to herself and her feelings.

"I love imagining that when I wake up, you'll cook me my breakfast. You'll give me a good morning kiss, and good night kiss. There's no afternoon since we'll both be at work. I love imagining us having a complete and big family. Dealing with family problems. Thinking of how many children we want to have. I love thinking about naming our child one by one. I love thinking spoiling every each and one of them. I love calling you sweet nicknames and I certainly love it when I make you moan my name when we make love."

Blyx earned another smack from a blushing Carly. Blyx only laughs and chuckles at the sight of Carly blushing.

"I always love it when I make you blush. I also certainly regretted the fact that I made you suffer. I'm really sorry, Carly. I really am."

Carly found the courage to look at Blyx who was starting to tear up. She panicked, she didn't want to witness her beautiful Blyx cry again. It'd break her.

"Don't cry.... I won't say that it was fine but, it sure was a memory of me being with you. I actually felt guilty when I heard you died with a bullet in your heart. Just four years ago, I thought your heart was bulletproof but I was wrong. What I'm saying is, we all make mistakes. No matter how big or small, a mistake is a mistake."

Carly, you don't know how much those words mean to me right now. I feel so happy. I really love this side of her. Always thinking about the positive side. Carly... I love you, with a heavy heart. What they didn't know was Carmen, silently crying, AGAIN. She heard everything. From the first statement till the last thought of Blyx's. Carmen feigned a yawn and told them to start preparing for dinner. They decided to have a grilled steak dinner.

They ate dinner, with utmost joy. Carmen and Carly felt a sign of relief when five minutes before Blyx died, and she's still fine. Nothing is happening. Blyx still smiling and is wiping the table, healthily. Carmen decided to check on baby Prince. Carly decided to trash the plates. After Carmen turned her back, her smile faded.

"You have to say goodbye, Blyx."

"It's... time?"

"It's not.... but... I know you have a long goodbye so I'm gonna do you a favor. Although you might feel breathless and weak."

"If it means I can say a proper goodbye then so be it."

'Are you sure you'll be fine?"

"I came prepared."

"As you wish."

When Carmen turned around, Blyx collapsed which made a loud thump that also cause Carly to ran back. Carly instantly knelt down. What... did I just heard? Was that... the same guide who... told me about me living? Carmen's knees wanted to give in but she was desperate to be beside Blyx. Blyx's face was halfy covered in blood. Pale. Weak. She's even having a hard time breathing. At last, her knees gave.

"Blyx... no..."

Carly cried. She continued to cuss. She thought that Blyx was fine but boy was she wrong. Blyx was never fine and alright to begin with. Carmen looked at the horrifying scene before her. This... is this it?

"Baby... Carly..."

Blyx's voice sound so weak. No one can save her now. She weakly smiled as she felt blood gushing out of her forehead.

"Hey.. I'm here...."

"Don't... cry..."

Blyx started to wipe Carly's tears but her hands were too weak. Carmen just stared at her daughter crying.

"No... don't go... I love... I love you.... I need.. you... please... I don't want to lose you again."

Blyx felt pain when she heard those and thus winced. She smiled.

"That's all... I ever need...."


"Is... that you... the one who guided me?"

"Yes. And please, if you don't want your daughter to witness every horrible moment of Blyx's life, then I advise you to remove your daughter from her."

"But, I thought souls--- The Blyx here is a soul? And you're just gonna..."

"Yes. This Blyx is just her mere soul. As you may have heard, when you die, your soul travels back from when you were born and until you die. If Blyx is in contact with your daughter and you then... you might witness it since you're actually holding Blyx's soul."

"You mean... we'll get sucked in her memories?"

"Not sucked in, just get to witness her life's events."

"Like... a marathon?"

"Yes. Now, please?"

"I'll try..."

"Cup cake, you have to let Blyx breathe..."


"Baby... please?"

"No... I don't want to detach myself from her again!"

"Hey... Just.. give me two minutes and you can... be near with me again."

Two minutes is enough for you to not witness it. But Carly was too stubborn and held Blyx's pale and weak hand.

"i'm sorry if she'll be traumatize."

"It's okay.... I'll just... comfort her whenever."

"You're a great mother."