Chapter 5

When Jenny went upstairs I was ready to go outside and make a call but then Elena ask me if I'm hungry to be honest I was actully I'm always hungry so I said yes! I though it would be a good opportunity to ask her about her father, when we went inside the kitchen a maid had already serve the lunch, so I pull her chair so she can sit. I mean I may be an asshole but with the ladys I'm always a gendelman. As we were eating of course I thanked her for letting me eat with her and then she told me some "rules" the last one relly made me upset and she notice it.

- So... Do you have something to say?

- No w- why do you ask?

- You look upset!

-Oh! It's about the "rule" that

- You can't lie to me!

- I can call you Elena! Are you sure?

- If I wasn't why would I say that to you! For Godness Sake! Pay attention when I'm taking it is tedious to repeat myself.

- Got it!!!

- I want to know what happend with Noah but I can't leave Jenny! Fuckkk!!!!!

- Why? What happend to him?

- He has to annouce to his parents that he got married.

- They don't know that their son got married? Wow!

- No! You see our parents want us to married someone that they want, Noah didn't do that he married someone that his heart wanted and now he is going to pay the price of not listening to his father! That's why I'm worried!

- That's sad! How can people do that I could never married someone that I don't love or my parents want, I love them but no, never! Would you?

- We're not talking about me!

Why would he ask me something like that, of course not I love my daddy but no! I haven't find the one who gonna still my heart! Sometimes I think I don't need a man I can do everything!

- I know! It was just a question don't get so mad! You look like you gonna kill me!

- Sorry actully I'm not sorry that's how I look when I'm annoyed with stupid questions.

- You didn't answer me!

- First of all I don't have to answer you, and secondly I don't need a man in my life actully I don't need a fucking man to tell me what to do, I belong to myself I'm independent and I can do what I want!!! So did I answer to your fucking question!!!?

- Yep! Sorry for asking! Oh man!!!!

- Let's go I need to make sure that Noah it's fine!

I almost choke when she got up and told that we're leaving.

- What about Miss Jenny, you said that you don't want to leave her alone?

- In this house there are working 5 maids, and about 50 people of my security are outside the house you really think that she is alone??? I told you pay attention!

- I'm sorry but you said it I just repeat your words!

- I said that in case she was awake, but she is sleeping so let's go!

He got up and we went outside Alex was there he opend the door and we got inside but I told to Loren to take care of Jenny and if something happen to call me! I'm really nervous I

- Elena!

- Yes Mike! Is everything alright!

- Yes I just wanted to call your name, and see if you're gonna relly answer me!

- You're so stupid! Why did I took you with me? That's a good question!

- Cause I'm your bodyguard! And Frank would be very sad if you don't listen to him! That's a great answer to your good question!

- You little bitch! I

- Miss Elena we're here!

- You're lucky remember that!

- Actully you are! Please come outside ( I open the door so she can come outside)

- Wait a second I need to make a phone call!

- Dude! What the fuck you think you're doing?

- What's wrong man what did I do?

- She is not Elena she is Miss Elena, why are you talking to her like that she is not you friend she is you fucking boss!

- She fucking gave me the permission to call her Elena! And I can fucking talk to her as I want. So mind your fucking work and let me do my fucking job!

- I'm gonna fucking kill both of you!!!

I was ready to turn around and I saw Alex and Mike ready to fight, I'm sure it's Alex's fault he got jealous, of Mike he always does that, what Am I going to do with him, so I went outside the car and yell at them both of them I'm already worried about Noah the last thing that I want is those two assholes to fight!

- I'm sorry!


- Yes Mis

- Did I told to answer me!! Did I fucking told you that!!!

- Let's go!

I shook my head like yes, she is so scary when she is angry,how this angelic face can darken so much.

- Don't mind Alex! I'm gonna talk to him later!

- I shook my head like yes.

- I hate semantic use words when I'm talking to you!

- I'm sorry but you didn't told me that I can talk back! And I didn't want to make you more upset that you already are!

- I like you ! You learn fast. Maybee Frank was right! Don't laugh it wasn't a compliment!

She like me witch mean she trust me thanks to that asshole, so right now I need to find her father and make him pay for everything, where the fuck could he be I didn't saw him in the house and Elena didn't mention him once, but why?

- Mike let's go inside!

As we were heading inside the living room you could hear their voices in the entire house, that's good it mean that they are alive both of them.