Chapter 9

- I don't need more money, I need something else from you!

- What do you need?

Now I'm confused what does he want? Usally they asking for more money or protection sometimes but... I don't know let's see!

- Thomas can you please wait outside! And can you tell your man to wait outside!

- Wait what? Why I have to go outside?

- Cause I fucking said it! Now move!!!

- Frank please!

- I'll be outside!

- So.... What do you need from me that you couldn't say it in front of Frank and your friend?

- I'll help only if you help me to find my father! Oh! And protect me! That's what I want and the deal is done!

- Help you find your father? I can't do that. I mean I can protect you but about your dad I'm sorry!

This is the first time that someone want something like that! What the heck how Am I suppose to find his father? My daddy would kill me if he heard something like that! I feel bad but this is not my job.

- Why you can't do that you have money and power I only have money no one listen to me! Look I honestly want your help! Lot of people asking me to close this deal with them but I refuse, you know why? Cause I'm looking for someone with power, who can protect me! In the beginning I refuse, but after a little search I find out how powerful you are! Exactly what I need, it's about me to find my only family! I know you don't care, cause I'm a stranger to you, but please think about it again! I wanted to talk to you that's why I told to your man no cause I wanted you to come! Please help me.

- Tell me his name! And I see what I can do!

I'm not made from stone, I have a heart and when he said that he is "looking for his only family" I felt so bad for him so fuck yeah I will help him! I'm the fucking boss and I do what I want! Plus the deal is done so heck yeah!!!

- Really you will help me?!

- I just said that! Now tell your fathers name!

- His name is Antonio!

- That's all?

- I - I have never seen him only when my mum died I saw him once... So I don't know nothing about him only his name

- Elena! Noah want to see you!

- Can't you see that I'm busy, tell him to fucking wait!!

- I'm sorry!

- That's going to be difficult. But don't worry I'll do my best to find him! Now you know my name, may I know yours?

- Yes, I'm Steven !

- Great nice to meet you Steve! I'm gonna call you like that! Is that ok?

- Yes it's ok!

She is so beautiful when she smiles! I like her she is kind, and I'm glad that she is going to help me find my dad! After a lot of years I'm so happy! Thanks to her!

- Steve! How we gonna communicate?

- Take this card it has my number! Just text me don't call me!!!

- Alright, I will! About the deal?

- The deal is yours!!! Don't worry! I keep my words!

- Same! One last question! How old are you guys?

- Why do you ask?

- Out of curiosity!

- I'm 18 years old! And Thomas is 17 years old!

- I'll try to text you as soon as possible! And if someone bothering you

- Not yet! But they will when they figure out that I choose you!

- My mans will protect you, just text me!

- Alright! Don't tell that to Thomas I don't want him to know!

- As you wish!


- Yes Elena!

- You're fast for your age! Congrats!!!

- Elena!

- I need someone! To be always with Steve!

- Like a babysitter?

- Mmm! Something like that!

- I don't need a babysitter! I just told you my age.

- Please be quiet! Grown ups talking!

- I have to go! Just tell Frank what you need!

I went downstairs and the car was fine! That was good! Mike got out of the car and open the door for me so I can go inside.

- You're late!

- What did you say?!

- I said you're late and I got worried!

- Why I can't kill you? Be quiet!!!

- Alex let's go home please!!

- Yes! Miss Elena! And then I'm gonna visit Mr. Harvey!

- Don't call this asshole Mister!

- Why? Who is he?

- Will you be quiet! This is not your job!

- I told you, You are my job, to take care of you! So tell me about him!

- That happend before you get hired, so it's not your buisness!

- Fine!

I have to win her trust or I won't be able to find out about her father! But how? Think Mike, think!

- Mike!

- Yes!

- Will you go home?

- No! I'll stay with you that's my job! Remember? So I'll sleep with you!

- Great! WAIT WHAT??? What do you mean you'll sleep with me?!

- In your house! What did you thought?!

- Shut up! There are already bodyguards in my house I don't need another one! So you can go home!

- They watching the house, I'll be watching you! So no! I'll come with you!

- Yes but they als o

- Please! I said no! I'll be with you! Until you fire me!

- Keep it like that and it's already done!!!

- Come on I know that you like it!

- No I don't! Why would you think that! I

- Can you just, relax! I also would like that! So don't feel akward.

- What? I don't feel akward! Why would you

- Oh! Really? That's why you blushed!

I want to open the door and jump! That's the first time something like that happends to me! I mean I hear complimets but I never blush. Why? I tried to cover my face with my hands but he stopped me.

- Don't that's cute!

- I

- Elena we're here!

- Thank you Alex! Don't be too harsh with Harvey!

She blushed with something stupid that I told her! And she was so fucking cute! As I said I am an asshole but with the womens I'm a gendleman! Wait did I just called her cute?! No man you can fall for her she is... adorable! No I mean she is the daughter of a criminal, so she also is a criminal! But until now I haven't see her doing something bad.