Chapter 12:Prince's Fiance

I was disheartened and my heart was aching as if it was about to burst out. I was asked to pick the person who is my love rival. Not rival, Instead she is the one who already stole my love from me. wait ! what Am I thinking, it's prince's decision and those past times were just playthings , he didn't mean those promises and those words of not leaving me were all fake. And now he asked me to pick up his fiancee. I reached the airport and waited for the prince's fiancee named Julie. The plane from London had arrived and crowd started to fill the exit gate, I asked the driver to lift the name placard a bit high he did so , and then I saw a girl with half jeans, trunk type top holding a bag coming towards us. We didn't expect her to be Ms julie , she was angry as we ignored her and made her wait. she called Prince and lied that there was no one from the company to pick her up. Prince immediately called me and filled my ears with those rude words not letting me to clarify the situation. I picked her up and we reached the company where Prince was already standing at the entrance to welcome Ms Julie. We got out and I moved head to my office where a whole bunch of works were still waiting to be completed. In the evening I was called by Prince in his office, due to loads of work and busy schedule I couldn't meet him at that moment. Later when the work was done I knocked the prince's office door and entered the room. But to my surprise Ms julie was also sitting there, I didn't mind her much as she wasn't companies employee.

"Prince ! You had called me ? But due to loads of work I couldn't meet you at that moment."

"It's o..." suddenly interupted by Ms julie.

"Baby! Don't your employee respect you, you are the boss and they still call you with your name."

"Sorry ! Ms julie but I don't feel that you have any rights to meddle in the companies matters."

"What do you mean ? You mean that I am hopeless. Baby Did you listen to him ? What did he say ? He says that I am hopeless."

" Ms Julie , I didn't say you are hopeless, It's you who regarded your self with those words."

" You still dare to speak back to me , you little bag of shit .You low class dog of nowhere dares to speak to me."

A hard slap was firmed on my cheeks by Ms Julie . I didn't turned towards Ms julie, but noticed Prince Vir. He was sitting silently and didn't spoke a word nor stoped Ms Julie. my heart was throbbed and felt that I didn't want to live more, but responsibilities of my mom and brother were the motivation for me to live on. Tears came trembling down my eyes and left the room soon. it was already night, I packed my things and left the office with saddened heart and tears still dripping down from the cheeks.

Next day Prince asked his assistant to call me to discuss about the companies matters ,but soon he got to know that I had resigned the job and the resignation was mailed to CEO in the night itself.

Hearing this prince was sad inside but couldn't show. Julie enters the room and sees Prince sad .

" Baby why are you sad ? Anything happened?"

" Yes ! Rahul resigned from the company."

" That's good for the company and for you too. He was rude and unbearable, so just forget about him."

" I think he was not rude but you were."

" What ? You mean to say I was rude. And don't say me that you are taking his side."

" Come on julie ! You exaggerated the topic too much the other day."

Julie leaves the office angrily and straighten her way to grand palace . There she meets Ms Sunita and talks about her and Prince relationship. Ms sunita was pleased to hear that as she had got a good pawn to be used against prince Vir. She asks Ms Julie to make Prince Vir accept for her marriage, Ms Julie agrees and starts to plan the whole course of action to make Prince ready for marriage. The main hurdle for Julie was me (Rahul ), so she wanted to get rid of mel at once. For the reason she invited me for a drink as to apologise for her behaviour the other day. I accepted the invitation and arrived at the planned restaurant. There I met Ms Julie where she was sitting with her friends, I got there sat down and then Ms Julie starts speaking. The words of Ms Julie were more filled with ego than sympathy and condolence. Instead of apolizing I was verbally harassed in front of her friends. I got angry and was about to leave when one of her friend held my hand and passed me a soft drink. After drinking , I felt as the world around me is playing malburry bush with me.

when I opened my eyes I was in a room which was not mine. I was shocked when I found myself all naked. Suddenly friend of Ms Julie who had offered me the drink comes out from the bathroom . She claimed that I did something with her and now I would be responsible if she gets pregnant. On the other hand Ms Julie had captured video of her friend unbuttoning Rahul's shirt, she showed the video to Prince , this made Prince mad at once also this was the right time for Ms Julie to talk about the marriage. Seeing Prince mad she purposely asked Prince about him getting married with her.

Without any second thought Prince accepts the proposal and asks her to start for the preparation as they will be getting married within a week. Ms julie was happy as her plan succeeded in the first step itself. She secretly calls Ms sunita and informs about the news of Prince getting married with her. Ms sunita was more happier than Ms Julie as no one knew what was cooking in her evil mind.

Preparations for the marriage started, best event managers were called , best chefs were alloted and grand decorations were made as it was marriage of Prince of royal family. Five days passed and Julie could notice that Prince wasn't happy with the things happening but she didn't care as she was gonna become the next queen of the royal family. On sixth day there were many guests arrived from all over the country but Ms Julie and Ms sunita were seen no where. Prince wanted to talk to Ms Julie about the process but was found no where. From Ms Briganza Prince got to know that she was with Ms sunita in her room. Prince goes towards the room when he eavesdropped their talking.

" Ha ....ha ..... See I did as you wanted . I had planned a whole series for Rahul but he got out in first step itself."

"So did he really did that to your friend?"

"No, She just played as I guided her , nothing happened between them."

" And You fooled Prince with that video and Prince was such a fool who believed you and accepted the marriage proposal immediately."

"Yes! Ms Sunita Now I will marry him and become the next queen of this royal family."

" Now listen carefully I wanna say something which is more important and this can't be revealed to prince at any time....."

Something falling sound comes from outside , when Ms julie and Ms sunita comes out they mind that a cat was running and a vase had fallen . They were relaxed and get in to get ready for the program. On the other hand Prince leaves the palace from the back gate secretly without anyone seeing him. He drove his car towards Rahul's house. He stopped the car in front of Rahul's house and knocked the door. Mom opened the door and was shocked to see the same person again who had come the other day. Mom was about to the close the door out of anger what had happened to Rahul the other day but Prince interupted.

" Maa, don't close the door, it's me Prince Vir."

" Prince Vir ? "

" Yes maa I am Prince Vir."

" but you look different, Your facial tone lips and eyes everything is changed."

" I will tell everything to you but first can I come in maa."

" Yes yes ! my dear Come in ."

Prince enters the house and mom gives him some snacks to eat.

" What happened dear? Why you look so depressed and sad? I heard that you're getting married tomorrow."

" Yes ! that's true but I was fooled by that girl to marry her and now I don't wanna marry her at any cost."

" Relax dear here drink some water first."

Mom gives him a glass of water to drink , he takes and drinks it.

"Now tell me why happened to your face."

"Maa ,I had been to London so at that time I tried new products on my skin and that's the reason tone has changed to more brighter and as for the eyes iam using lens."

"Okay now tell me , what's the problem of your marriage."

" Maa if I tell you might get angry and also feel disgust."

" Son ! Mom is the only one who never feels disgust about her child. just feel free to share anything to me."