
Crixia's POV

As soon as I opened my eyes, I immediately stood up and went at my bathroom. I looked at my face and hell! My eyes are all swollen and puffy!

To tell you, I really looked like a freakin' zombie!Normally, I won't be this freaked out. I won't care about my looks but this time is different. S-storm and I will meet later.


That'll be embarrasing, if ever!

Why didn't I learn how to do make ups in the first plac—wait, this isn't me talking!

I shooked my heads and breathe in and out. He's only my crush, so what?

Geez, whatever!

I went inside my shower and did my things. I put a strawberry shower gel this time, I normally used my vanilla but I don't know what changed.

I decided to wear a baby blue above the knew dress paired with a white dollshoes. I am quite tall so I don't see the needs of wearing a heels.

I smiled at my reflection. For me as long as I look presentable already, I'm fine with it. But to other people, it's not. I don't blame them for being fashionista but we all have different tastes, I hope they're aware of that.

When I finished getting ready, I went downstairs.I was pinned on my place when I saw dad on the living room. Usually he's not here. He goes to work just so early.

"Dad, I thought you are suppose to be in offic-" he cut me.

"Your teacher called me," My brows furrowed.

I felt nervous all of the sudden. I quickyly scan what I did the whole week if I ever did something bad.

"She said that you are excellent in your class and because of that you are running for valedictorian, anak I am so proud of you but,"

My smile quickyly disappreared. "You need to helped your teachers in diciplining one of your classmates so that you can fullfil your lacks in extracurricular. She told me to tell you that she is expecting you to go in her office later after your classes so that you can discuss about that."

I absent mindly responded, "O-okay dad, Can I excuse myself now?" I went near him to kiss his cheeks before I let go a deep sigh.

We had a breakfast together. After that I immediately went to our car and drovee of the university. As I was on our way, my ohone vibrated.


Good morning, nerd!

Don't you dare forget our meet up later, bye!

I can't help but to smile at his message. I bit my lower lip to surpress it. I shook my head and unconsciously held ny phone tightly.

What's happening to me?!

When I arrived at the University, I immediately went at my classroom. I didn't notic how my day went. It was a blur. After classes I went to Teacher Shiela, the one who called my dad this morning. But before I even enter her office, I saw Chris so I went to him. He immediately smiled.

"Hey, uhm are you done with your classes?" I asked.

"Not yet, I still have one class to attend to and that is where I am heading," He looked at me with curious eyes. "What about you, what are you doing here?" His forehead ceased.

"Well, my teacher needs me to discuss something. I need to go, so see you later, Chris?" I asked and didn't bother waiting for his reply because I just saw Teacher Shiela. Before I completely went inside I heard him say, "Later."

"Oh, Ms. Bernard please take your seat. " She said immediately instruct me. So I did.

"Do you know by any chance, Storm Yexxel Anderson?" She asked first. I nodded silently.

What about him?

"Well I think everyone knows him and of course his personality too which shows that he is somewhat a rude. I asked your father to tell you about it," I looked at her questioningly.

She heaved a sigh and smiled awkwardly. "That you need to help us discipline one of your classmate and that is no other than Storm." I shouldn't be shocked right now but my eyes were widened in surprise!

He's that worst huh?!

"R-really t-teacher?" I stutteredly asked.

"Yes, dear so I hope you can help us beside this is your last year, his last year too so maybe it is the time for him to change." She stared at me intently. "You and your batch including him is going to college already within seven months. Your high school life will end soon. So why not enjoy it but leave at least one memorable memory that no one can forget? Please,"

This even shook me even more, she's begging me to help them. He is worst. "We can't handle him anymore dear. The memory I was talking about is for you to be the reason for his change..." she continued.

"Why me? I mean Why should it be me teacher, you can choose someone who is more deservin-.." I wasn't able to finish it.

"Dear, I can't find anybody who is way more deserving than you. Why you? Because I know that you can do it and you will always handle and do the right decision whatever happens between you two, please dear?" It looks like she's that desperate and so I am. I don't want to erase my parent's proud smile. I won't just be a candidate because I will our batch's valedictorian.

I nod at her. She smiled widely and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you so much!" she muttered. I smiled awkwardly.

After we settled everything, I checked my wrist watch and OMG 3:15 PM!

I ran my way out after we bid goodbye. I ran my way to the garden.

When I arrived at the garden, I was catching my breath. I saw his jaw clenched as he irritatingly walks back and forth.

I silently walk near him. When he saw me, he shouted.

"Why are you late? You are just a nerd and you have that guts in making me wait? How fucking dare you?"

I was so shocked. I even jump at my place. My parents' don't even do that to me. That was a first. I didn't realize I was moving backward. And I was crying.

His expression immediately soften. "S-sorry, shit I-i a-am s-so sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you I am just pissed off, Please stop crying, okay?" He even wipe my tears for me with his thumb. "Sorry it won't happen again." I heard him curse more under his breath.

"Just make sure it won't happen again," I sobbed. "What do you want anyway?"

He bit his lower lip and look at me hesitantly. I stared at him. He scratch his nape before he guided me to sit on the bench and he sat beside me.

My mouth hanged open when he help my hand and played with my fingers.

"Uhm, will you smile for me first?" He asked. I was about to object but I saw something in his eyes which made me convinced. I smiled.

"The thing is, I w-want you to,"

"What is it? Just tell me." I encourage him.

He held my hands tightly. And without hesitation, "C-can you pretend to be my girlfriend?"
