Chapter 6 : Getting Kicked Out (2)

Looking at the kid who kept rubbing his eyes Teacher Su went into deep silence." How did he manage to block that kick at the last second?" Mumbling Teacher Su recalled what he just saw.

Getting his head straight Teacher Su resumed. "Your Zue Wang?"


"Get Out."

"Oh....Ok." Releasing Chu Teng foot he got up, tided himself and walked straight outside like nothing happened not too long ago.


Leaving the class Zue Wang planned to go find a old friend but before he could leave the school he was blocked by two guards.

"Where do you think your going?" Stepping in the his way they asked with caution.

Looking at them while putting on a pale face Zue Wang stutter." Oh...I-I caught a fever so the Teacher told me to go home.

After hearing his words they lessen their guard and asked "Just you alone? Are you sure you will be alright?"

"Ill be fine"

Taking a glance at the young fellow with a somewhat pale face the two guards moved. "You can go."


Arriving at his destination Zue Wang walked up to a seemly lavish house and knocked on the door twice.

Knock, Knock.

Waiting for a minute the door opened revealing a middle age man.

This man seemed to be in his 30s or 40s but his eyes would make anyone who saw them feel a sense of unease.

"Xiao Wang?" Staring at the boy who seemed to be thirteen the man exclaimed.

"Uncle Qin." Looking at the man Zue Wang said with a bit of happiness in his eyes.

"Come in, the outside most be very cold. Oh yes, isn't today your first day at Junior High School what are you doing here? Curious Qin Xiaren stared at Zue Wang.

"Oh nothing much i just got kicked out of class. "Reassuring Qin Xiaren that it isn't anything serious.

"Haha what could you have done to get you kicked out of class on the first day of school?" Laughing Qin Xiaren insist Zue Wang to explain what happened.

Thinking about how he got kicked out of class for just sleeping Zue Wang rebuked.

"I slept in class."