
*4 A.M.*

"Suga." I whispered.

He didn't open his eyes and I sat up.

"I'm leaving." I said.

He opened his eyes and said "I'll go with you."

I said "No it's ok. Go to sleep."

He rubbed his eyes and asked "Why you leaving now?"

I said "I'm coming back."

"I can go get what you need." He offered.

"No it's ok." I said getting up to leave.

He sat up and said "I'll go with you then."

I didn't argue and just headed to my apartment. I went to my closet and got some clothes. I went into the bathroom to change and headed on out.

"You couldn't sleep or what?" He asked as we left my apartment.

"No I have to tell you something." I said blushing.

We walked across the street and said "You're worrying me now."

I chuckled and said "I'm worried about me too."

Suga looked over at me and said "Tell me."

We went inside the building and went into the elevator.

I said "Just hold on."

Suga bit his lip as he looked at the buttons on the elevator and I looked over at him. He looked more nervous then me. We went up to his apartment and went inside.

"Just tell me." He said not walking further into his apartment.

I turned around and said "I'm going to tell you this but stay a few feet apart from me. I don't want you to get all excited or something."

Suga raised his eyebrows and asked "Ok I'll stay here."

I said "I think I like you."

He frowned his eyebrows and said "I know you like me as a friend."

I said "No not like that anymore. It's more than that now."

Suga couldn't resist that smile and he asked "As in like I love you?"

I nodded my head and he rushed towards me.

"Wait! But I'm not to sure about my feelings!" I said running around the dinner table.

Suga chuckled and asked "How? Why? What happened?"

I said "I didn't want to like a doctor but now I kind of don't care anymore. I'm not sure though if I really like you or I just want you."

Suga rubbed his chin and said "You're confused. That's ok. I'll wait until it's all clear for you."

I said "I don't want to wait. I want to be positive before you go get surgery."

He chuckled and said "This really gave me so much motivation to come back to you."

Then he stopped and frowned really serious. He asked "Wait you aren't lying to me so I can just stay, right?"

I shouted "No! I would never lie about something like this. I been controlling my feelings but it has got a little harder."

He smiled and asked "Why can't I get near you?"

I said "I didn't want something like in the movies to happen. The guy picks up the girl and kisses her."

He laughed really loud and I said "It's already 5. Do you want to go eat breakfast?"

Suga asked "You asking me on a date?"

I said "Wow. I didn't mean it like that but you can take it like that."

He chuckled and said "Let me change and then we can go eat somewhere."

A few minutes later he came out and asked "Do you not like my cooking?"

I said "It's not that. I love your cooking but I just want some fresh air."

He smiled and he held my hand. Butterflies took over my throat as no words came out but just a smile formed on my lips. We went to his car and he drove a few miles away.

"I don't want to go to no cafes from near by." He informed me as he drove.

"That's fine. I don't want to either." I said smiling.

We got to a cafe and we are a croissant with orange juice.

I asked "Why didn't you want Alina to drink coffee?"

Suga cleaned his lips with his napkin and said "I didn't want her to get a tumor like me. I didn't want to lose her or anyone due to coffee."

I asked looking at him upset. "Wait, you knew before then that you had the tumor?"

He nodded his head and I didn't know what to do or say.

"I didn't know you enough to tell you but as time went by. We became close but I didn't want to tell you. I tried to keep it hidden from you." He said looking down at his plate.

"Why?" I asked upset.

He took his gaze up at me and said "I told you. I didn't want you to think I was manipulating you to stay by a doctor like me."

Me being upset faded away and now I felt bad. "I'm sorry. I just been through so much with doctors. They never seem to have cures for my problems. It's just always the same answer you know. So, many people get help and I feel like I don't." I said looking up at him sad and mad.

Suga held out his hand over the table and I grabbed his.

"I also knew from the beginning everything that's happened to you as I do have your medical history in file. I'm here to protect you now. I'm not leaving you here by yourself. I really try my hardest for you to be ok. I just don't want you to hate all the doctors in the world cause we're not all the same, you know?" He said with a smile and rubbing his thumb over my hand.

I sighed and said "Actually, I like Jin and I think I'm starting to like some doctors. I realized that not all doctors are the same you know and that examination has to be done."

Suga raised his eyebrows and said "Wow! I really like how you're talking. It's like a whole new person woke up today."

I chuckled and nodded my head.

"Oh it's already 7. We should get going so you won't be late." He said getting up from his chair.

I didn't want to leave how the breeze on my face felt and I could see all the cars passing by the street. His phone ringed and he looked at it. He sighed and answered it.

"Tomorrow?" He asked through the phone.

I stood up as I worried a little and cleaned the table to distract the feeling. He hanged up and he said "It was Jin."

I asked "What happened?"

Suga looked over my head and said "I'm getting surgery tomorrow."

I said "What? Really that fast?"

He nodded and said "It's been about a month already that they have been monitoring the tumor. It's gotten better cause of you but it's just best if they take it out already. Maybe it can come back or get worse out of no where."

I said "I'm glad the sand worked, the frog legs, and the fruit. I don't think you should have stopped using it but since they'll take it out then you don't have to use it."

We walked back to his car and I asked "What time is it?"

He said "It's at 6 a.m. but I have to go now so they can explain to me the process and what happens afterward."

I said "It's ok. You'll be ok."

Suga chuckled and asked "Is there something you got in mind?"

I laughed and said "No but I just know you'll be ok."

He took me to work and dropped me off. Honestly, just thinking about what they would tell him made me nervous like if I was the one getting surgery. I asked my boss for the day off as I didn't want to leave Suga on his own.

*End of Shift*

I went to my apartment to pack up all my clothes that I only had there and made my way to his apartment. I made it to his door and the elderly lady saw me with my suit case.

"Sweetie are you finally moving in?" She asked with a cheesy tone.

I blushed and said "Yeah I am."

I walked into his apartment and he was cooking frog legs.

"Wow! You learn quick." I said as the scent hit my nose.

Suga looked at my suit case and asked "What happened?"

I said "I want to move in with my boyfriend if you don't mind."

He looked at me surprised and asked "I'm perfectly fine if you stay forever with me."

I smiled and walked to his room. I came out and asked "What did Jin say?"

Suga said "He explained how they would remove it and how long the process would take. It'll take about 4-6 hours to finish with a successful surgery. After, surgery I have to stay in the hospital for about 4-5 days to see how my body reacts. At the house it'll take 6 weeks to fully recover but I should be fine in 2-3 weeks."

I said "Take all the time you need to recover and just fully charge."

Suga nodded his head and said "I cooked this so I can get a goodnight rest and sleep well for surgery. I want to be healthy after all of this is over and done."

I smiled how positive he talked about his life and coming back. After, eating he looked really tired and I said "Go to sleep and I'll wake you up later."

He said "Come sleep with me."

I said "I haven't even showered."

Suga pouted and begged "Please."

"Fine." I said smiling.

We went into his room and fell asleep really close together.

*Later in the evening*

I woke up and asked "What shall we do before you get surgery?"

Suga thinked for a little while and said "Let's watch a movie."

"Ok!" I said getting excited to his idea.

We went to the living room and he laid down on the sofa. I got in between his legs and laid down. I used his stomach as my pillow and we watched a action movie.

*Next Morning*

I took a quick shower before him. We would be at the hospital a couple of days and I wanted to take some stuff with me for the night. We went to his car and I put my blanket in the back with some clothes.

"Are you nervous?" I asked as I saw him drive.

"I am but I can't be. I want my heart to be emotionless for the surgery unless if it weakens up I want to think of you." He said smiling.

"You're a very romantic person." I said poking the side of his cheek.

He chuckled and said "For you I am but for the surgery I have to be strong."

"You will. Don't worry, bae." I said looking away.

Suga asked "You trying to give me a heart attack before the surgery, right?"

I laughed really loud and said "If I wanted to I would have kissed you and just jumped on you. Play with your body a little before doing something bad."

Suga bit his lip and then said "Please say this to me after I fully recover."

I laughed again and goofed around "Oh! Shut up."

He chuckled and we made it to the hospital that he would get surgery at. We made it in and he checked in. He went into a room to change into the medical robe and lay on the medical bed. We waited for him to be taken away and I said "I'll wait for you in the lobby."

Suga said "Stay where the nurses can see you and be careful."

I nodded my head and he held my hand as I stood up to leave the room. The nurse said "Ready?"

I nodded at her and looked down at Suga. He kissed the back of my hand and then he replied "Ready."

The nurses took him away and I sat in the lobby. I waited for the hours to pass by and hear the good news.

I said in my head "These people better do this one thing right."

I ate some chips and drinked a soda. I walked around a little and looked around. I looked out the window and glanced up a few times up at the nurse typing away with the tip of her fingers. Many different faces I saw in the lobby and many different walk out.

*4 Hours Later*

"Mai?" Jin called out my name making me turn to look at him. I stood up and rushed to him.

"What?" I asked looking at him with hopeful eyes.

He smiled and said "You can come in when your ready. He should be waking up soon."

I jumped in excitement and said "Thank you!"

I walked with him to his room but kind of doubted it. I didn't want something bad to happen to me but it was true. He was there in bed laying down so peacefully with his eyes closed. I sat next to him and held his hand.

"Now, I have to kiss you when you wake up." I said with a smile.

I kissed his hand and patted it.

"Wake up. The longer you sleep the longer it'll take for you to feel my lips. Suga, wake up." I said leaning in more closer to his face.

He opened his eyes slowly and I smiled.

"Good!" I said nodding my head.

"Where's my kiss? I don't feel it." He asked teasing me.

I got off the bed as I didn't want to hurt his chest area and stood by him. I cupped his face and kissed his lips multiple times really slowly.

I backed away a little from his face and gazed into his shinny eyes before saying "I'm completely in love with my doctor, Min Yoongi."