Leaving The Store

I looked at the time it was 10:00 p.m. already and I smiled. "Alright time to lock this store up!" I got my purse and checked if my phone, wallet and apartment keys were inside. "Oh ok good everything is in here." I looked out the window before leaving the store. I always checked before leaving because last time there was a man outside waiting for me. I got the chills after remembering I almost got raped outside the store. I shaked the memory away and smiled as I saw no one. I put the alarm on and ran out the store. "Great. Locked store and now sweat home!" I looked around and saw no one in the parking lot. The stores around usually closed around 9 p.m. and it was dead outside by the time my shift was over. I made a turn around the store and sat on the bench. As I waited for the bus to come. I didn't like to be on my phone as I waited because I always wanted to be prepared for any drunk guy. I loved to look at the stars and moon if there were any. I heard foot steps coming towards me which made me turn my head. I looked to see and it was a young, pale, skinny, and dark eyes guy. He started to get closer and I held onto my purse. I mean I didn't know what he wanted or what he was thinking. I started to sweet like a pig and felt my heart beat thump harder against my chest. He was now standing infront of me and he finally speaked.

"Excuse me?" He said softly.

I looked at him and my voice became shaky as I said "Yes."

He looked at me with puppy eyes as he speaked "I wanted to ask you if you have any money? You see I haven't ate all day and I'm starving. It's ok. If you don't. I understand."

I felt my body relax and said "Oh, let me see If I have money."

He then added "A dollar is fine or anything less.

I chuckled and said "Are you kidding a dollar! What can you eat with a dollar?"

He laughed and said "You can eat bread, and candy."

I looked at him as I thought. Then remembered he's hungry and I'm wasting his time. "Okay let me look." As I looked down a couple of seconds I finally saw a few dollars in my bag. I smiled and looked back up to him. "Look I found-" He then put a bandanna over my mouth and nose. Then put his hand behind my back and brought me into a hug. As he sat down on the bench I kept hitting his chest, trying to look away and pull his hand away from my face. I looked at him as he smirked like he enjoyed doing this. The last thing I heard from him was "Look I found you."