
"Come on!" J-hope shouted as he grabbed my hand to run with him. He let go as I ran with them. Our eyes roamed around our surroundings until we caught a medium size waterfall.

We were on the top and I shouted "Yoongi!"

My voice echoed from the top of the waterfall and Jin shushed me.

"We need to cross on the other side. Step on the rocks quickly because the water will start to rise in a few mintues." J-hope said as he looked up at the sky. I looked towards the sun that was almost down but not yet. J-hope crossed quickly and Jin went slower. I walked on the rocks slower as I started to panic because the water started to rise.

"Ah! The rocks are being covered by the water!" Jin looked back at me and said "Quickly! Nammi, hold my hand!" I glanced back up at Jin's hand but I was a rock away.

I could hear fear in J-hope voice as he widen his eyes and shouted "Nammi! Grab Jin hand!"

I put my right foot on the little rock and reached out to grab Jin hand. Our eyes widen as I slipped and fell in the water. The water started to rise and I felt myself sinking in. Jin made it on the other side and I saw them running. "Swim, Nammi!" Jin shouted as he panicked.

I stuttered and said "I-I can't!"

I felt my soul leave my body as I fell down the cliff I screamed and saw the guys faces. When I finally reached the bottom I was fighting for air. I tried to grab onto anything or push myself up for air. I felt my lungs almost explode as I almost ran out of air and let in water instead. With the only strength I had I tried to swim up as the water above became heaver. I finally reached out a couple of seconds for air and got pushed back down by the heavy waves. I could feel the fast stream pushing my body down the river. As I was under the water I could feel twings, leaves, and fish brush against my skin. I yelped in pain as I felt the twigs scar my body. I brought my head up for air and I felt the stream calming down a little. I looked behind me and the cliff I fell from was not there or the guys. I felt nervous at the thought of being lost or eaten out here. I grabbed onto a branch from the side of the stream and slowly pulled myself up. I layed down on the grass and felt my stomach burn. I lifted up my head and looked down. I touched the right side of my stomach and I brought my hand up to my face. I gasped and it hurted as I did. "I'm bleeding" I whispered as I looked up at the orange sky. I lifted up my shirt and it seemed to have cut my skin really deep. I was bleeding out really fast and I took of my shirt slowly. I used the shirt to put pressure on the deep cut and thought "I hope they find me but then I don't." I clossed my eyes of that thought roaming in my mind.

After awhile, I looked back up at the sky. I could see the moon already, the stars and blue dark sky. I sat up in pain and got up slowly. I felt my mouth dry and dizzy as I walked by the trees. "Maybe the guys are over here." I said as I looked to my left but then I looked towards my right and it looked just like the left side. I sighed and shouted for help. After awhile I felt myself losing my voice and strength to even walk. "I will rest." I said as I sat down and leaned against a tree. I looked down at the shirt and it was all bloody. I chuckled and said in my mind "What if Yoongi is dead and then I die. What if we both end up in the same place again?"

I started to see triple trees and them moving around. I held my head with my left hand and felt myself burning up. I heard foot steps and someone calling my name from afar.

"Y-yoongi?" I slowly stuttered as I felt myself closing my eyes.

"Nammi?" Yoongi said as he cupped my hot face in his hands.

I chuckled and smiled. Then I recalled I didn't have my shirt and I whispered yelled "Don't look at me or touch me!"

Yoongi chuckled and kneeled down to my level as he said "Oh you're okay. I thought you were hurt. Come, get up then."

I closed my eyes for a second and opened them up as I tried to get up. I yelped in pain and felt blood run down my arm.

"Nammi! Just let me carry you!" Yoongi stood up and walked beside me.

I looked up at him and asked "Did you kill him?

"Yes now be quiet! I will carry you ok." Yoongi said.

"No!" I shouted in pain.

Yoongi turned a little to carry me bridal style.

I hit his chest softly with my bloody right hand and gave up quickly. "P-put me-e d-down!" I whispered yelled at the side of his face. I leaned my head on his chest and let him save me once again. I looked up at him and his face was shinying more brighter than the moon. I asked myself in my head before knocking out "Am I dying?"