
Me and the girls went out to eat. The school let us as long as you made it back in time and had a car. Most people walked though because there was so many drive thru.

Jennie said "Who snitched though?"

I sighed and said "You know my mother does witchcraft. Those witches know everything."

Nancy said "Next time just deny the relationship."

I said "We're not dating."

Rose said "Are you sure?"

I looked at her annoyed and said "Honestly, we aren't but we are."

Tory widen her eyes and said "You must want to die!"

I nodded my head and said "I do! I'm tired of all these so called problems"

I rubbed my head and said "This lady is driving me crazy she won't let me out of her sight, can't have no friends, can't date, or NADA!"

Tory said "Date him but don't."

I took a bite of my hamburger and said "Yeah I am because school will end and we'll go our separate ways."

Nancy asked "Wait isn't he going to study here?"

I said "No he's going back to Korea and do music."

Jennie said "His parents won't like that. They want him to study business like me."

I frowned my eyebrows and asked "How do you know?"

Jennie bit her lip and said "Our parents got together yesterday and were talking about our futures. They have a business here but will close it because they say Suga will become a rich business man. They will no longer have to work because he will take care of them."

I looked away and said "I feel like we have that in common. We're just trying to help our parents but they don't seem to see future in our dreams."

*Two weeks later*

My parents came in my room and my mother said "Got a call today saying that you are dating someone."

I looked down at my homework and said "I don't have anyone so you can believe me or not."

My father said "If you date you leave the house! You can date until you're eighteen!"

My mother said "You better not be lying because if you are I'll send you back to your old school."

Days, weeks past by and the problems never seemed to end. They got worse and worse. I couldn't even check the mail without my parents looking out the window. For going out with Suga I was now a sinner under God's eyes. These people had driven me crazy to the point of me wanting to leave the house! I started to lose myself too, in that room locked up as hours past by. There was only about a few weeks left of school and then we would graduate.

"Hey Moni" Suga said with such a soft and sweet voice.

I didn't say anything.

Suga walked by me and asked "Is everything ok?"

I didn't go to the cafeteria or auditorium. I walked towards the garden.

"You can leave me alone." I said aggressively.

Suga grabbed me by my arm and said "I'll take you out for breakfast. My mother let me barrow her car."

I snatched my arm away from Suga and said "No! Leave me alone!"

We made it outside and Suga got in front of me. He put his big hands on my cheeks and said "I will never leave you! Your the girl I love and want to be with forever!"

I pushed his hands away and said "Stop saying that!"

Suga said "Why?!"

I started to get teary eyes and said "Can't you see! We can't be together! I'm meant to be miserable!"

That's when I literally lost myself I started to cry like a little kid which I never let anyone see me cry. Suga came running to me as he saw me almost blacking out.

"Moni! Your burning up in fever!" Suga catched me in a hug and took me to his car. He drove to his house and carried me inside.

He lay me in the couch and put cold towels on my forehead. I started to freeze to death as I started to cool down. Suga gave me some Korean medicine and I rejected it.

Suga said "I promise you'll feel better."

I drinked a pill and an a hour past. I opened my eyes and Suga was in the kitchen.

I felt so much better but I knew what was going on. I went and stood by the door. I said in my head "My mother did witchcraft on me so I can stop loving Suga." I knew because the way that I acted for no reason was unexplainable. She would do this with couple's that she was jealous of or someone else wanted to split them up. It always worked and I was terrified.

I could hear my heart beat in my ear as I asked myself "Will witchcraft end us or is our love stronger? But I have to give up in this love. Will we still end up together even if I don't try?"

I started to smile as I saw him there cooking for this girl that lost her brain because of her mother.

Suga chuckled from the kitchen and said "I see you feel better. I made you some soup-"

"SUGA WHY ARE YOU NOT IN SCHOOL?!" He yelled from behind.

I got scared and went to Suga.

Suga didn't seem scared and said "She felt sick and I was helping her."

He said "You can't be skipping school that will bring your GPA down and I will not accept my son with a low GPA!"

"Honey calm down. Our son is just helping her out. Wait is she the girl?" His mother asked.

Suga said "Today is late day remember? On Thursday classes start at 9 P.M. and not at normal hours."

Suga's dad said "Sorry son I forgot."

Suga said "No you didn't. Don't be scaring her!"

His dad asked while looking down at my stomach "Why did you faint?"

Suga lost it and said "Don't disrespect her!"

His mother said "Suga you need to focus in your business career and not women."

I rubbed Suga's back so he would calm down.

Suga said "I won't do business! I will go to Korea and be a music producer!"

They gasped and I widen my eyes.

His father laughed and asked "Your joking right?"

His mother grabbed her head and Suga got worried.

His father said "This is your fault!"

I looked at him disgusted and said "I want to be a painter and theres nothing wrong with that."

His father laughed and said "This is the girl that wants to marry my son. A painter! Now that's embarrassing."

I was used to people talking to me like that but Suga wasn't.

His mother came up to me and said "You don't have my blessing!"

She looked at Suga and smacked his arm. She said "We aren't paying for no music career!"

Suga yelled "It's my dream!"

His mother said "We don't care!"

My heart broke hearing him go through what I was kind of going through.

Suga grabbed my hand and said "That's to bad because I don't care about being a business man."

We walked out the kitchen and his father said "You will keep going to school and graduate! You will go to korea and be a business man!"

Suga closed the door behind and he drove off. After parking in the school parking lot we stayed there.

I felt angry at his parents and mine. Suga was more angry as he asked "How can we stay together and be happy?"

I rubbed my head as I thought my brain would explode of so many emotions.

Suga looked at me and said "What if we have a kid?"

I looked at him with no expression on my face.

Suga continued and said "We have kid and everyone will have to accept us. A kid doesn't get in the way of music or paint. For what we know and love to do, you don't have to study."

Suga leaned in to kiss me and I started to kiss him back. My thoughts started to take control as I pushed him back.

"I can't." I said.

Suga said "Sorry, Moni. My anger took over me."

I smiled and said "It's ok but your right. However, it's not the right thing to do. We're to young for a kid and I can't leave my family. Lets face it we love our families to much to leave them. We're doing what we love for them but they don't believe in us."

Suga looked at me confused and said "Your parents don't want you to be a painter?"

"I have to go in for Engineering." I said sadly.

Suga smiled and said "I will help you when I get famous."

"Don't." I said

Suga asked "Why? You don't believe in me?"

I smiled and said "I believe in you."

Suga asked "How if you haven't seen or heard me?"

I chuckled and said "If you say that's your dream that's enough for me to know, you love it and can do it. You haven't seen me draw and you believe in me."