The Truth

*1 week later*

I could do so many things now but I still had to be connected to the breathing machine. Only for a few minutes every four hours or eight. I felt so much better and I knew I was going to go back to my old routine. I started to get a little depressed and said "It's ok you can do this."

Suga chuckled from behind and said "You need to get out more or you'll become crazy."

I looked back and asked "Why are you here again?"

Suga said "Why don't you get on social media?"

I shrugged and he said "I told Jennie to break up with me and she did. Her parents were angry but I told them I didn't like her either. I thought my boss would get mad but he was fine with it. My parents didn't even say anything."

I chuckled and said "So, that's what you did after you left?"

Suga nodded and I said in my head "Everything he does works out great. I wish I could do that."

Suga said "What do you want to do?"

I said "I will stay here and do my things."

Suga said "I will help you then."

I said "No I want you to leave."

Suga said "Look I'm sorry I left. I just got mad you wouldn't open up to me and you still don't."

I said "And I never will."

Suga turned around and said "Jennie told me everything."

I laughed really loud and said "Suga? How about you leave with your lies. Please just go and don't come back."

Suga sat on my bed and said "I will kidnap you if I need to."

I chuckled and said "I will call the cops if I need to."

Suga pouted and said "Tell me?"

I walked out my room and started to clean.

Suga quickly stopped me and said "Are you trying to die?! Your lungs can't resist this dirty air! Just wait until your mom comes so she can do it."

I pulled away and said "I have to clean or I'll get in-"

We heard a car pull up in the parking lot.

"Get out dude!" I quickly said.

Suga ran to my room and closed the door.

My mother smacked me on the head as she said "How many times do I have to tell you to stop running in the house?!"

I grabbed my head and she looked around. She yelled "Why aren't you done cleaning?! Were you asleep this whole time?!"

She didn't even let me respond before she went to her room.

"I'm doomed." I said in my head.

She got my dads belt and started to hit me.

"When I tell you to clean you better clean! Get to cleaning! Stop laying there like it hurt!" She yelled as she kicked me.

I cleaned until my father drove up in the parking lot. "Hurry up and go to your room. I don't want to see your face until tomorrow. If you come out I'll hit you again." She said

I went to my room and closed the door.

"What the fuck is wrong with your mother?!" Suga said from behind.

I turned around and saw him there pissed.

"I'm going to call the police!" Suga said as he picked up his phone.

I grabbed his phone and sticked it in my pants. "Don't!" I said.

Suga said "Are you crazy?! She almost killed you!"

"Calm down." I said.

Suga looked at me crazy and said "Your coming with me. I'm taking you to the hospital."

I backed away and said "I won't go with you any where."

Suga looked at me mad and said "I'm calling the police then."

Suga was about to leave but I got in his way.

Suga said "You can't stop me."

"Yes I can." I said.

Suga moved me out the way and he headed to his car.

I ran past him and blocked his way so he wouldn't get in his car.

"Move Moni!" Suga yelled.

"Suga calm down and hear me out." I grabbed the side of his arms.

Suga said "I been asking you since day one and you always avoided me! Now I don't want to listen to you."

Suga pushed me out the way but I ran around the Jeep and got on.

"Go any where you want but not the police. Please Suga and I'll tell you everything you want to know." I said nervously.

Suga turned a different direction and I relaxed a little.

We went to a beach house. I let out a very scared sigh.

I followed behind him and he turned on the lights.

"Do you need beer so it's easier for you can tell me?" Suga try to make it sound like he wasn't angry but he was.

"No I will tell you everything." I said.

Suga went outside in the back and you could see the ocean. It was already dark but the breeze felt good. I sat down and didn't look at him.

"You need to hear everything I say. Whatever you feel you need to eat it out. I want to tell you everything without having to stop." I said as I nervously looked at him.

Suga said "I don't know if I'll be able to control myself."

I said "I know that's why I wouldn't tell you."

Suga said "Alright tell me."

"First of all keep my sister in mind before you judge." I said.

Suga frowned and then nodded.

"I can't call the police on them no matter how much I want to. If I do me and my sister would get separated. I would never see her again because she would get adopted or maybe not. I can't adopt her like she's my kid because I don't work. Even if I did work I need to make a certain amout of money to support her. It's not easy supporting a kid or even yourself. You know this better than anyone. If she got adopted by horrible people I would never forgive myself. I think I would go live under a bridge. If you call the cops on my parents they wouldn't probably go to Jail they would probably be deported back to their country. Lastly, we would never be happy together because my mother does witchcraft. I know you will think this is all crazy but it's true. The reason I can stay away from you so long is because she did something for me to stay away from you. If she finds out about us she will kill you or send me away. Maybe she will do both who knows. Before you say she won't even touch you because your so fast. Sadly, with witchcraft she don't need to touch you to kill you. You don't even have to be in the same country. Yes, my father abuses me mentally and emotionally. My mother abuses me physically and all the above. My parents are racists and don't let me have friends either. They have worked their butts off for us and I could never call the police on them. I'm doing this career for them! To support them when they're elderly because no government will. I know you think I'm crazy but I just can't leave them. I care about everyone around me to much! I want everyone to just be happy and not to be sad like me. It hurts so much seeing people suffer around the world." I told Suga and felt defeated.

Suga grabbed my hand and said "First, of all your very crazy for even still wanting to help them but I love you to much. You just love helping others because you don't want anyone to suffer like you do. Most importantly I see why you don't cry infront of others. Honestly, you can't live with these crazy parents of yours. We need to come up with a plan to help you and your sister."

My voice cracked as I said "This isn't your problems it's mine. Look I don't want to hurt you but I think I will have to."

I stood up and said "You want marriage don't you?"

Suga walked next to me and said "Yes with you only."

I looked at the ocean and said "You haven't asked what I want though."

Suga looked at me confused and said "You don't want to marry me?"

I looked at him and said "I don't want marriage or kids. I have dealt with my sister my whole life and I didn't like it. I like her but it taught me that, that is not for me. I feel like I know love isn't the love from a few years ago. People come and go. I know your hurt for what I'm saying but it's the truth."

Suga let out tears and said "You never wanted kids this whole time or marriage?"

I looked at how hurt he was and I said "This is what life has taught me. I kept pushing you away but you kept coming back."

Suga looked at me kind of mad and said "Why didn't you just be clear from the beginning?! I fell in love with you so hard!"

I looked at him and said "I loved you too! I wanted love and that's all I wanted! You showed and gave me the love my parents never gave me! I didn't ask you! You just came and offered me your love for free! I didn't have to beg for it and I didn't want to let you go."

I started to cry and said "My mother found out and then everything went to hell. She beat me up and I got scared for our lifes. I didn't want her to hurt you and I still don't. That's why I'm letting you go."

Suga whipped his tears away and said "To bad because I love you so much that I'm not leaving."

My eyes widen as I couldn't believe what he was saying. "No you have to go. Your parents would kill me if you died." I said.

Suga said "I don't care. You made me fall for you so now we're sticking together."

I frowned and said "But I don't want to get married or have kids."

Suga said "If you don't want that then I'll respect your decisions as you will respect mine. I want to live with you though. No matter if I have to sleep on the sofa."

I whipped my tears and said "Your crazy."

Suga said "Yeah crazy for you."