Guardianship Done✔️

I said "Can we speak to John?"

John came from behind and said "Oh Moni, how can I help you?"

I said "I wanted to inform you that I'm married and was wondering if we can change the guardianship paper work."

John said "Congratulations! Of course you can."

I said with a smile "Thank you!"

John said "You got married to Suga?"

I looked at Suga and looked back at John and said "Yes."

John said "I thought you said you wouldn't marry him."

I said with laughter "I know but I'm married now."

John said "Let me get your file."

I nodded and we took a seat.

Suga said "Never is a strong word."

I said "I know, right?"

Suga chuckled and John called us into his office.

Lo came with us and John said "Sign these new documents.

I said "Do my parents have to sign again?"

Suga looked at up at John before signing.

John said "No because in the agreement your lawyer wrote it stated "If Moni decides to marry during or after the process, Lo's parents can't interfere."

I gasped and said "Your right! I completely forgot about that. I read through that part fast because I thought I wouldn't marry."

John said "Once your Lo's guardian her real parents can't interfere because she's yours."

Me and Suga signed the news papers.

John said "The process should had been reduce much more. Let me go see how long it will take now."

He left and Lo sat on Suga's lap.

Lo said "I'm so nervous. I hope he can say we can leave together now."

We laughed and I said "That's to quick."

He came back and said "Your down to two months."

I nodded as I looked at Suga.

Suga said "Is there any way you can make the process faster?"

John sat down and looked at us with concern.

I said "We'll pay as much as we need to get this process done faster."

John said "What's the rush?"

I said "We live in Korea and that's our home. We work over there and many different places. We need Lo stable in a certain place with us. We have a professional teacher with her but she's going here. Not the same language and its just messing everything up. We can handle it but we're just worried for Lo."

John said "I forgot you guys are famous. Let me see what they say."

He left and Suga said "Wow your speech was amazing."

I whispered "Thanks I studied it all for a very long time."

Suga said surprisingly "Really?"

I chuckled and said "No I just made it right now but it's true. I'm ready to go back to painting and doing my work. I'm pretty sure you miss your music and fans. You canceled some tour dates because of this."

Suga said "I'm very happy because I married to you. I do miss that life but I have a new life to take care of."

I held his hand and he kissed it.

I said "Don't change. We're doing good. We can do this."

Suga said "Yes we can."

John came back and we looked at him as he sat down.

John said "How does two weeks sound?"

Suga said "It's perfect!"

I nodded and said "Thank you!"

John said "I hope everything goes well after this."

I asked "Why?"

John said "You guys are growing everyday and many people can't handle it."

I said "We have shared a home together and we will again soon. I'm sure we can handle everything again."

John said "I heard your going to grow your business."

I said "Yes the process is going on now. The dance studio idea came from Lo this time. So Art, music and dance will be joined together."

Suga said "Yes everything is growing and that's why we have help now."

I said "But it's not the same. We're here and not there."

John said "Well goodluck and have a good day."

We said "Thank you."

John said "They'll call you when things are ready."

Suga said "How much is it?"

John said "My gift to you both."

I looked at him surprised and he said "If you divorce her then I will charge you."

We laughed and said "That won't happen."

We left and he drove us back to my car.

Suga said "I need to go back to work."

I said "I know and go."

Suga asked "What if you need me and I'm not there."

I said "You'll be here if it's important. Now go back to work and relax."

Suga hissed and said "Sometimes music is hard."

I said "You got this don't worry."

Suga kissed me and we got off.

Lo said "Where do we find the underwear?"

I said "I don't know. Let's just hurry and go some where. We already took a long time."

Lo said "I hope we don't get in trouble."

I drove off to a store and looked around. Lo, got underwear and we left quickly.

We went home and our parents were outside cooking.

Lo looked at me surprised and I said "I remember when I was a little kid we would get together and not fight so much like we do now."

Lo said "They get mad at eachother for anything and yell at every one.

I said "When you lie this is what happens."

Lo said "I'm going to be like you and Suga."

I chuckled as we got off the car and my father said "Hurry up! The food is almost ready."

We washed our hands and ate together.

*2 Weeks Later*

Suga would come and go whenever he had the chance. He was so busy since he hadn't gone to work in a long time. We were all focused on Lo and the marriage. I just thought about my job and started to stress out. I hadn't been at the office at all but it felt good people were helping me out. I missed it though but I knew it wouldn't last like this forever.

Suga picked me and Lo up. I said "Good thing they're at work."

Suga said "They take long breaks though."

I said "I know. Now, that they're bosses they do and say what they want."

Suga said "It doesn't matter because we're finally leaving after this."

I said "I know. I can't wait!"

Lo said "Me too. I miss Korea."

I said "Finally, I'll go with no worries and just smiles."

Suga smiled and we got to the police station. They gave us the documents of Lo and I just wanted to shout of excitement.

We went running to the car and Lo said "They aren't home though. Where should we eat?"

Suga said "For the last time. So, pick wisely."

Lo asked "Why? Are you poor now?"

Suga said "Moni will learn how to cook."

Lo laughed really loud and said "Your kidding, right?"

Suga said "That makes me kind of scared of what could happen."

Lo said "She learns fast but not cooking stuff."

I said "I'll try anyways."

Suga said "I can't cook forever. Everyone needs to learn at leaset one cooking dish."

Lo said "The same cooking dish everyday."

Suga said "Everyday sounds kind of awful."

We all laughed and picked a mexican restaurant.

We all shared one mix dish which was shrimp, fajita, chicken, rice and beans.

Suga nodded his head "Very nice dish."

I said "Yes it is!"

Lo smiled and we ate.

Lo said "I don't want to call you guys mom and dad. Is that ok?"

I said "I don't want you to call me mom either."

Suga chuckled and said "I understand. You have your parents anyways and they always will be."

Lo said "Thank you."

I said "Do you have the other documents?"

Suga said "Yeah. When will you give it to them?"

I nervously said "Let's see how things go."

Suga nodded and we finished eating.

Lo said "I don't want to take nothing with me."

I said "That's fine."

Suga said "I got a new apartment. Everything is installed already. We just need to buy new clothes."

Lo said "Let's go together!"

Suga chuckled and said "We have to do it today because it's my only day off."

I said "That's good because I'm going to go back to my work."

Lo said "Where you guys getting married?"

I looked at Suga and Suga looked at me. I said "We need to organize ourselves first and then we'll see."

We got done eating and went back to my parents house.

Suga smiled and we sat down in my living room. We waited for my parents to come.

"I'M SO SCARED!" I shouted and Lo looked at me surprised and laughed.

She said "Wow your shouting like me now! This is amazing!"

Suga said "It's ok. I'm here and the bodyguards are outside. They can't hurt you or Lo."

I said "I thought you said you would have a doctor in the car."

Suga said "I was kidding but if you need me to call one. I will."

I laughed and said "No, it's ok."