Previously on Avenging Angels

Rose and Chris play some games in the Carnival. Chris is surprised to see Rose's gun skills.


"Oh, my fucking God" Christian gasped when we finished the game.

The man and Chris both looked like they had seen a monster and I was having a hard time holding in my laughter.

"Girl, you didn't tell me you could shoot," Chris said.

"Ma'am, are you in the army?" The man asked.

"Uh, no. Can I get my prize now?" I asked to change the subject.

The man went into the stand to get me my stuffed toy.

"Rose, that was awesome! Where did you learn that from?" Chris asked as we kept the guns back in their places.

"Uh, I was in an army training scout thingy a few years ago," I scratched my head.

"Seriously? You wanted to go the army?" He asked.

"Not really, just wanted to try something new" I shrugged.

Ugh, more lies.