Previously on Avenging Angels

Rose manages to escape from the room after being trapped in there with Brad who threatens her about Chloe. 


After breakfast, I was dragged by Regina to her room and she locked me in there with her.

She started narrating everything that had happened to her since I left. 

She told me what she did in school, how she and Roger went here, how she got angry at him when he didn't pick her calls only to find out that he was training when she called.

I sat down on the bed and waited patiently as she narrated her life history to me. I nodded when I needed to and I smiled when she asked me if I'm listening.

I managed to escape her hold when Violet came to inform me that Miss Helda summoned for us all.

Now, we were in the living room standing in a line as Miss Helda walked to and fro with her hands behind her back.