Previously on Avenging Angels

Rose gets a surprise visit from Avalor who behaves as though she doesn't know who tried to kill Rose. Helen confesses to Rose that she notices Chris's feelings towards her. On her way back into the hospital, Rose sees something that renders her speechless.


Have you ever just spontaneously seen something and without anyone telling you, you already know it's true?

It was like a deep feeling inside you was just telling you that it is what is and your certainty is reinforced the more you stare at it?

It was like the truth was written on the object and no one can convince you otherwise, it makes you shell-shocked but at the same time, relieved that you had finally found it.

Although what I had just found, never in my wildest dreams, did I imagined I would find it.

That was how I felt as I stood in the hall and stared at a girl in a wheelchair inside a room.