Chapter 2

A private walked alone through a thick forest weary of his steps holding his gun up. He got lost after his unit was ambushed. "Texas" he whispered coming up on a body. There was no response. "Texas god dammit" he turned the body around, and he saw the dead body of a sergeant. "Shit...." The private said. He tore of the sergeants dog tag as he was taught, and continued to walk around whispering 'Texas'. After what seemed like hours he ran upon someone. "Texas" the private whispered cautiously. The man put his gun up. "Texas god dammit" The private said getting his gun ready. The man aimed the gun at the private. The private scrambled to get his gun aimed at the man. Just before the man fired there was a flash as quick as lightning, and the man fell dead. The private shook as he kept his gun aimed "T-te-texas" he managed to say. A man walked out from the tree line. He had a black uniform, with a suppressed M4 carbine rifle, and a sergeant patch. "Calm down kid" the sergeant said as he helped the private up. "All clear!" The sergeant yelled. Four men in similar uniforms, and similar weapons came out of the tree line. All of them looked the same except a man with a captains patch who had a skeleton mask. "Looks like we got a rookie" the sergeant said pointing to the private's patch. "What happened to your squad?" A lieutenant asked. "They're either dead or captured I think.....we got ambushed" the private said. "All right well what's your name then rookie?" The captain said. "Craig" the private said. "Ok" the captain said "I'm death" he pointed at the sergeant "Dead eye" he pointed at the lieutenant "Lucifer" he pointed at another sergeant "medic" and he pointed at a first class private "and dragon the youngest to join this unit". Craig looked at them "who are you people?". "We're the death squad" Dragon said. "Special forces, and until further notice you're one of us rookie" Death said looking at Craig "now we need to head to base camp before Luna loses it". "You're right" Deadeye said "besides it's getting dark". "Let's go" Death said re-entering the tree line as the rest followed.