Chapter 4

Luna took a phone like device out, and started going through it. "Checking enemy patrols or playing a game?" Lucifer asked. "Little bit of both.....little bit of both" she answered slowing down "stop walking". "What? Why?" Medic asked pointing his gun up. "Flare trap." Luna said eyes still glued to her screen. "There's no possible way you can know that Luna" deadeye called out. "Rookie. Take half a step forward" Luna said calmly. Craig started to take a step forward, and he felt a wire on his leg "guys she's right" he said stepping back. Death chuckled "there's a reason I hand picked her" he said as he stepped over the wire. Craig did the same, and the rest followed. Medic took out a knife, and cut the wire carefully. They kept walking through the forest. "So what are you guys doing here exactly?" Craig asked. "We're supposed to steal intel the push the final assault" Lucifer said. "And where's the intel?" Craig asked. "Death hill rookie" Luna said. "Fuck...." Craig said. "You scared rookie?" Death asked. "I was part of the squad that originally tried to take the was more a massacre than a battle....." Craig answered. "Sorry kid. Unlike the squad however. We're going in through their back door" Medic said. "Ok" Craig said looking down. Luna gave him a slight hug and smiled. "It'll be fine Rookie. Just keep your head up, and do as we say" Luna said. "Yeah let's go" Death said breaking into a jog. The rest of the squad followed as Craig got thoughts that their mission is suicide.