Chapter 6

Craig woke up, and looked around the clearing. Death was already awake, and was cleaning his gun. "Morning Rookie. Rest of the squads already right at the enemies back door. You ready?" Death asked standing up. Craig stood up, and picked up his weapon. He nodded, and began walking away with Death. "So what's the plan?" Craig asked. "Get in. Get to the server room. Get the information needed. Call a helicopter. Get on the roof. Get Luna and the information out by helicopter. Get out through the base. Then run like hell out." Death said with no emotion. "It sounds so easy. I have another question. What's with the mask?" Craig asked looking at death as they kept walking. "Just thought I might wear as a fear factor. Enemies keep shivering at the thought swearing they've seen ghosts or shadow people." Death answered. Craig chuckled as they ran up to the squad. They weren't to far from a large complex. "Alright.....perimeter alarms off. So is the turret system. Plus electrical fence" Luna said putting her phone away. "Let's go then" Medic said walking toward the complex with the rest of the squad.