Chapter 12

"Ok.....medic, and Deadeye you two throw three flashbangs each" Death said. "Meanwhile me Luna, and Craig will run in, clear the room as much as possible, and then you'll run in. Clear?" Death asked looking at the squad. Everyone nodded looking at Death. "Helicopter is gonna be here in twenty minutes so we need to hurry" Luna said. Medic, and Deadeye took their flash bangs out. "Go!" Death yelled opening the door. The room was filled with machines constantly working on weapons, artillery, and there were guards everywhere. As soon as a blinding white light filled the room. Death, Luna, and Craig ran in killing any guard in sight. The enemy scrambled around trying to figure out what was going on. Just then Deadeye, and medic ran in clearing the room even further. "What's the plan now?" Medic asked getting his gun ready. "Deadeye and Craig you take the balconies, and plant these" Death said taking out two small bags of C4 "me, Luna, and Medic will take the middle and plant more". Craig nodded taking a bag as Deadeye did the same. "Ready Rookie?" Deadeye asked looking at Craig. Craig nodded and took out a pistol. He ran to the left as Deadeye ran to the right. They shot any guards in their way. Death, Medic, and Luna moved down the middle. Death planted charges at major points in the factory as Luna and medic protected him as well as Craig and Deadeye. Soon Death ran out of charges, and moved to the end of the room with medic, and Luna. Then Craig ran out of charges. He kept firing at guards on his balcony as well as Deadeyes. Finally Craig was at the end of the room. He moved down to where Death was, and kept firing at guards coming at them. Within minutes Deadeye was there. They had five minutes till the helicopter got there.