Chapter 15

Death was already on the ground as Craig, and Deadeye rappelled down to him. Deadeye got to death first, and started sweeping his gun from left to right. Craig was halfway there when an enemy soldier got to the railing. Death looked up, and yelled "CRAIG WATCH OUT!" Death said pointing up. The soldier started to undo to equipment on the railing on the top of the building. Deadeye got Medics body and put it under where Craig was. He took aim and shot through the rope, hitting the enemy soldier killing him. Craig fell twenty feet landing on Medics body. Craig groaned in pain "you couldn't wait?" He said weakly. "I could've, but then we'd all be dead" Deadeye said looking at medic. Death shot through medics dogtags, and tore of his patches "you saved one last life old friend" Death said sadly. The squad grabbed Medics bag, and snuck back into the forest before the energy levels got critical and it put the compound into darkness. The slight glow of a now purple bluish sky light up the way. They found a heavily wooded area, and laid down. "Medic, Lucifer, Dragon" Death said over, and over as Craig and Deadeye drifted to sleep.