Chapter 98

"Connie? What are you doing here? " Alex inquired as Robbie came walking towards them.

She did not want to sound suspicious, but with the history that Connie and Robbie had, she could not stop herself to think of something else. It did not also help with the way the woman dressed. Just like her sister, Frances, Connie still had an amazing body, even if she had Rico. She was wearing a pink dress suit with a cream blouse underneath. The dress hugged all her curves and it made Alex envied her more. 

Jealousy was slowly creeping in. She knew how Connie had liked Robbie for so long, and she could tell how she used to stare at him whenever there were events in the compnay. The way she touched his arm and smiled sweetly at him whenever he talked to her, she knew Connie was interested with him. She often wondered if they ever had the chance to be together when she left, maybe filling in over her absence. But, then, how come Robbie did not tell her about it?